Principal Investigator
Jingfei Liu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering (Faculty in Engineers in Medicine)
Resarch focus: Medical ultrasound imaging, focused ultrasound therapy, biomechanical characterization, therapeutic transducer design, bio signal and image processing
Visiting Professor
Hyunjo Jeong
Visiting Professor (8/2023-now)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, 1990
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1986
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea, 1980
Research: Medical ultrasound.
Ph.D. Students
Sadman H. Labib
PhD student (9/2021-now)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh Unvierstiy of Engineering and Technology,
Bangladesh, 2021
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh,
Research: Focused ultrasound in cancer immunotherapy; image-guided therapeutic array transducer development.
Sanjay Mahat
PhD student (8/2022-now)
M.S. Mechanical Systems Design and Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2019
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2015
Research: Ultrasound-induced mechanical resonance for virus deactivation.
Azin Nadi
PhD student (8/2023-now)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran, 2021
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Birjand, Iran, 2013
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Khayyam University, Iran, 2010
Research: Ultrasonic guided wave elastography for medical diagnosis.
M.S. Students
Ezekiel Anguiano
MS student (9/2024-now)
B.S. Mathematics, Texas Tech University, 2023
Research: Ultrasound nondestructive testing and evaluation of batteries.
Undergraduate Students
Evin Timocin
Undergraduate student, Texas Tech University. 1/2025-now.
Research: Acoustic health mornitoring.
Andrew David Geter
Undergraduate student (1/2024-now)
Research: Low-intensity ultrasound for selective cancer ablation.
Graduate students
Abdullah A. Masud
PhD student, 6/2021-5/2024.
Current position: Postdoc fellow, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic
Roshan Sharma
MS studnet, 8/2022-5/2024.
Current position: PhD student, University of Oklahoma.
Undergraduate and visiting students
Evin Timocin
Undergraduate student, Texas Tech. 8-12/2023, 8-12/2024
Luis Acosta
Undergraduate student, Texas Tech. 8/2023-5/2024
Eva Vanstavel
Visiting graduate student, Arts et Métiers, France. 1-5/2023
Samin Enam
Visiting undergraduate student, University Technology Malaysia. 6-9/2022
Biomedical Acoustics Research Lab
Texas Tech University, Box 41021 | Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3563 -