I. bioMedical acoustics & ultrasound: diagnostics
Ultrasound Elastography
Shear wave elastography: Elasticity imaging method based on bulk shear wave and ultrafast ultrasound imaging for medical diagnosis. It has wide application in disease detection and tissue elastic property evaluation.
Surface acoustic wave elastography: Elasticity imaging method based on acoustic surface wave and ultrafast ultrasound imaging for imaging superficial tissues at a tissue boundary. It has great potential in screening diseases such as skin cancer in a safe and reliable manner.
Guided acoustic wave elastography: Elasticity imaging method based on acoustic guided wave and ultrafast ultrasound imaging for imaging layered tissues at a tissue boundary. The targeted applications including imaging and evaluating tissue elasticity of plate-like tissue such as diaphram, heart tissues, and deep layers of skin and some flat muscles.
Human Bioacoustics
Detecting and analyzing sound emitted by human body for health monitoring purposes.
II. bioMedical acoustics & ultrasound: Therapeutics
Focused ultrasound induced cancer immunotherapy: Apply focused ultrasound based cancer treatment methods to enchance the effectiveness of conventional cancer immunotherapy.
Transcranial focused ultrasound neuromodulation for neuro disorders: Utilize focused ultrasound to reshape neuro networks that are responsbibe for different disorders to treat the disorder-generated diseases.
Low-intensity ultrasound for selective cancer ablation: Understand the physical mechanism of ultrasoud-induced selective damage of cancer cells and develop a side effects free biomechanical strategy for cancer treatment.
III. bioMedical acoustics & ultrasound: Instrumentation
Design optimization of 3D therapeutic ultrasound array transducers
This research employs optimization methods, including different types of machnie learning techniques, in the design of therapeutic utlrasound transducers aiming at improving their performance not only to facilitate the conventional application, such as cancer treatment, of focused utlrasoud, but also expand its applicaiton to delicate cases such as neuromodulation and neurosurgery.
IV. INdustrical acoustics & ultrasonics: Nondestructive testing and evaluation
Acoustic resonance spectrometry: Acoustic nondestructive method for estimating elastic properties of solid materials and structures.
Ultrasound nondestructive charaterizaiton of batteries: Ultrasound methods for battery defect detection, state of charge charaterization, and state of health characterization.
Biomedical Acoustics Research Lab
Texas Tech University, Box 41021 | Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3563 -