Texas Tech University

 Current Topics 

Last will and testament on desk.

The Power of Pre-Planning

We spend our entire lives protecting the ones we love. End-of-life advance planning takes our protective nature one step further. We will discuss the different facets of end-of-life arrangements and the choices that we can make early. This will be an open forum welcoming any questions about the funeral industry. Participants will receive a decision guide for recording their wishes.

Instructor Jennifer Page is the education coordinator at Lake Ridge Chapel and is committed to educating the community about life and death topics.

Wednesday, October 4 | 4-5:30 p.m. | In-person | $15
Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers
6025 82nd Street | Lubbock, Texas

Register ➤



8/18 Caprock Canyons Bat Tour

 Hidden Local Tours 

Caprock Canyons State Trailway Bat Tour
Friday, August 18 | 6:30-9:30 p.m.

8/22 Member Orientation


New and Prospective Member Orientation
Tuesday, August 22 | 2-3:30 p.m. or 5:30-7 p.m.



9/12 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesdays, September 12-October 31 | 2-4 p.m.

9/12 Dublin Rodeo's Road to New York


The Dublin Rodeo's Road to New York (1)
Tuesday, September 12 | 4-5:30 p.m.

9/14 Brown Bag Architecture

 Arts and Culture 

Brown Bag Architecture: Place, Culture and Identity
Thursday, September 14 | 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

9/14 American Windmill Museum


American Windmill Museum Train Display
Thursday, September 14 | 2-3:30 p.m.

9/18 Fredericksburg Theater Company

 Arts and Culture 

Fredericksburg Theater Company: Behind The Scenes
Monday, September 18 | 2-3:30 p.m.

9/19 Bamberger Ranch Preserve Tour

 Hidden Local Tours 

Bamberger Ranch Preserve Tour
Tuesday, September 19 | 9 a.m.-1  p.m.

9/19 Gut Microbiome Imbalance

 Highland Lakes 
 Health and Wellness 

Gut Microbiome Imbalance
Tuesday, September 19 | 9:30-11 a.m.

9/19 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesday, September 19 | 2-4 p.m.

9/19 Dublin Rodeo's Road to New York


The Dublin Rodeo's Road to New York (2)
Tuesday, September 19 | 4-5:30 p.m.

9/20 Women in Texas Music

 Arts and Culture 

Women in Texas Music: Stories and Songs
Wednesday, September 20 | 2-3:30 p.m.

9/21 Cooking French Cuisine


Cooking French Cuisine
Thursday, September 21 | 5-7 p.m.

9/26 The Total Eclipse!

 Highland Lakes 
 Science and Technology 

The Total Eclipse!
Tuesday, September 26 | 10-11:30 a.m.

9/26 Impact of Hitler's Maladies on the War

 Fredericksburg & Lubbock 

Hitler's Maladies and Their Impact on World War II
Tuesday, September 26 | 2-3:30 p.m.

9/26 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesday, September 26 | 2-4 p.m.

9/26 Dublin Rodeo's Road to New York


The Dublin Rodeo's Road to New York (3)
Tuesday, September 26 | 4-5:30 p.m.

9/28 Build Better Bones

 Health and Wellness 

Build Better Bones
Thursday, September 28 | 10-11:30 a.m.

9/28 Texas and South African Wines


A Guided Tasting of Texas and South African Wines
Thursday, September 28 | 1:30-3:30 p.m.

9/28 Grilling and Tailgating


Outdoor Cooking, Grilling and Tailgating
Thursday, September 28 | 5:30-8 p.m.



10/2 Skat, Germany's National Card Game

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Skat, Germany's National Card Game
Monday, October 2 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/3 Akiane: The Early Years

 Highland Lakes 
 Arts and Culture 

Akiane: The Early Years
Tuesday, October 3 | 11-12:30 p.m.

10/3 Lawn Atlas Missile Base (Class)


Lawn Atlas Missile Base: A New Kind of Fort (Class)
Tuesday, October 3 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/3 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesday, October 3 | 2-4 p.m.

10/4 The Metaverse and How To Get There

 Science and Technology 

The Metaverse and How To Get There
Wednesday, October 4 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/4 The Power of Pre-Planning

 Current Topics 

The Power of Pre-Planning
Wednesday, October 4 | 4-5:30 p.m.

10/5 The Basics of Brain Health

 Highland Lakes 
 Health and Wellness 

The Basics of Brain Health
Thursday, October  5 | 1:30-3 p.m.

10/5 When the Lady Vanishes?

 Film Study 

What Happens When the Lady Vanishes?
Thursday, October 5 | 5:30-8:30 p.m.

10/9 West Texas Lawn Care

 Home and Garden 

West Texas Lawn Care: Turf or No Turf?
Monday, October 9 | 4-5:30 p.m.

10/10 Chartres Cathedral

 Highland Lakes 

The Gothic Synthesis of Heaven and Earth in the Chartres Cathedral
Tuesday, October 10 | 10:30 a.m.-Noon

10/10 Lawn Atlas Missile Base (Tour)


Lawn Atlas Missile Base: A New Kind of Fort (Tour)
Tuesday, October 10 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/10 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesday, October 10 | 2-4 p.m.

10/11 Where Technology Will Take Us

 Science and Technology 

Future Perfect: Where Technology Will Take Us
Wednesday, October 11 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/12 Impact of Hitler's Maladies

 Fredericksburg & Lubbock 

Hitler's Maladies and Their Impact on World War II
Thursday, October 12 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/16 Fake News

 Current Topics 

Fake News: How To Be a Smart Media Consumer
Monday, October 16 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/17 An Art Curator's Italian Adventure

 Arts and Culture 

An Art Curator's Italian Adventure
Tuesday, October 17 | 10-11:30 a.m.

10/17 History of Fredericksburg Geology


The Diverse History of Fredericksburg Geology
Tuesday, October 17 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/17 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesday, October 17 | 2-4 p.m.

10/18 Future Water Scarcity in Texas

 Highland Lakes 
 Current Topics 

Future Water Scarcity in Texas
Wednesday, October 18 | 11-12:30 p.m.

10/18 Second Half Adjustments

 Health and Wellness 

Second Half Adjustments
Wednesday, October 18 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/19 Yemen

 Highland Lakes 

Yemen: Land of Ancient Kingdoms and Modern Wars
Thursday, October 19 | 10-11:30 a.m.

10/19 Name, Image and Likeness

 Current Topics 

Name, Image and Likeness – The Pros, Cons and Future Directions
Thursday, October 19 | 5-6:30 p.m.

10/20 Camp Able Equine Therapy Program

 Hidden Local Tours 

Camp Able Equine Therapy Program
Friday, October 20 | 8:30 a.m.-Noon

10/23 Fathom Events: The Birds (1963)

 TCM Big Screen Classics 

Fathom Events: The Birds (1963)
Monday, October 23 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/24 Children's Mental Health

 Highland Lakes 
 Health and Wellness 

Critical Dimensions for Children's Mental Health
Tuesday, October 24 | 10-11:30 a.m.

10/24 Palo Pinto Mountains State Park

 Hidden Local Tours 

Palo Pinto Mountains State Park
Tuesday, October 24 | 2-3:30 p.m.

10/24 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesday, October 24 | 2-4 p.m.

10/25 Custom Soy Candle Making

 Highland Lakes 
 Arts and Culture 

Custom Soy Candle Making
Wednesday, October 25 | 10 a.m.-Noon

10/25 Muscle Strength and Aging

 Health and Wellness 

Muscle Strength and Aging
Wednesday, October 25 | 5:30-7 p.m.

10/26 Buffalo Gap Longhorns at Sunset

 Hidden Local Tours 

Buffalo Gap Longhorns at Sunset
Thursday, October 26 | 5-6:30 p.m.

10/26 Arranging Beautiful Bouquets

 Hobbies and Activities 

Arranging Beautiful Bouquets
Thursday, October 26 | 5:30-7 p.m.

10/31 Learn to Play Bridge

 Hobbies and Activities 

Learn to Play Bridge
Tuesday, October 31 | 2-4 p.m.



11/1 Introduction to The Cloud

 Science and Technology 

Introduction to The Cloud
Wednesday, November 1 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/2 The English Monarchy


A Thousand Years of the English Monarchy
Thursday, November 2 | 10-11:30 a.m.

11/2 Adventures Afoot in Scotland

 Travel and Day Trips 

Adventures Afoot in Scotland
Thursday, November 2 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/2 Your Part in Fredericksburg's New Era

 Current Topics 

Your Part in Fredericksburg's New Era
Thursday, November 2 | 5-7 p.m.

11/6 Fix It Yourself or Call For Help

 Current Topics 

Fix It Yourself or Call For Help
Monday, November 6 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/6 Cooking With Saffron


Regional Influences: Cooking With Saffron
Monday, November 6 | 6-8 p.m.

11/7 The World of Monarch Butterflies

 Highland Lakes 
 Science and Technology 

The World of Monarch Butterflies
Tuesday, November 7 | 1:30-3 p.m.

11/8 A Hill Country Road Trip


A Hill Country Road Trip
Wednesday, November 8 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/9 Much Ado About Historical Markers

 Highland Lakes 

Much Ado About Historical Markers
Thursday, November 9 | 10-11:30 a.m.

11/10 Hospitality: Infusing More Meaning

 OLLI Book Club 

Hospitality: Infusing More Meaning
Friday, November 10 | 10-11:30 a.m.

11/13 Lubbock Medal of Honor Recipients


Lubbock Cemetery Medal of Honor Recipients
Monday, November 13 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/14 History of the Fuchs House


History of the Fuchs House
Tuesday, November 14 | 1:30-3 p.m.

11/14 Immunotherapy and Biotechnology

 Science and Technology 

Recent Immunotherapy and Biotechnology Research
Tuesday, November 14 | 4-5:30 p.m.

11/14 Wild West Texas Weather

 Science and Technology 

Wild West Texas Weather
Tuesday, November 14 | 5:30-7 p.m.

11/15 Unusual Ways To Search for Oil


Doodlebugs and Dowsers: Unusual Ways To Search for Oil
Wednesday, November 15 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/15 JFK, Oswald and Ruby


[CANCELED] JFK, Oswald and Ruby: Politics, Prejudice and Truth
Wednesday, November 15 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/16 The Civil War in Hill Country


The Civil War in Hill Country
Thursday, November 16 | 2-3:30 p.m.

11/16 Creating a Charcuterie Board

 Highland Lakes 

Creating a Charcuterie Board
Thursday, November 16 | 11-12:30 p.m.

11/16 New Species in the High Andes

 Science and Technology 

Searching for New Species in the High Andes
Thursday, November 16 | 4-5:30 p.m.

11/28 Future Water Scarcity in Texas

 Highland Lakes 
 Current Topics 

Future Water Scarcity in Texas
Tuesday, November 28 | 10-11:30 a.m.

11/30 A West Texan in the South Pacific


Love and War: A West Texan in the South Pacific
Thursday, November 30 | 2-3:30 p.m.



12/5 Women Bringing Music to Lubbock


Women Bringing Musical Culture to the South Plains
Tuesday, December 5 | 12:30-2 p.m.

12/5 Fort Martin Scott's 175th Anniversary


Fort Martin Scott's 175th Anniversary
Tuesday, December 5 | 2-3:30 p.m.

12/6 Christmas in Early Lubbock


Christmas in Early Lubbock
Wednesday, December 6 | 2-3:30 p.m.

12/7 Buffalo Hunters


Buffalo Hunters: Materials, Methods and Mooar
Thursday, December 7 | 2-3:30 p.m.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

  • Address

    Texas Tech Plaza | 1901 University Avenue, Suite 513 | Lubbock, Texas 79410-5095 || Mailing: Box 45095 | Lubbock, TX 79409-5095
  • Phone

    (806) 742-6554
  • Email
