Texas Tech University


[Major revision–posted 4/16/24 (replaces 11/15/23 edition)]
[Removed reference to a discontinued OP–6/18/24; no additional change to OP]
[PDF Version]

 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 32.26: Full-Time Faculty Departure Notification Procedure

DATE: April 16, 2024

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure understanding and a standardized approach to the faculty departure notification procedure.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice Provost for Faculty Success with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (PSVP).


1.  Full-time faculty departures are governed by OP 70.19, Employee Exit Procedures, with the exception of item 2.e in OP 70.19 (Exit Interview Process).

In addition, this OP provides further procedures that should be followed for all full-time faculty paid in whole or in part from faculty salaries.

a.    The faculty member should notify the chairperson of intention to terminate as early in the year as possible.

b.    The chairperson of the area or department will notify the dean and request continuance or termination of the anticipated position vacancy. The chairperson will initiate an electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) for the incumbent. Reasons for departure (retirement, resignation, terminal appointment) are to be indicated on the form.

c.    The dean will:

(1)    Process the change of status; and

(2)    Notify the exit interview committee chairperson.

d.    The exit interview committee will interview the faculty member and make a report to the academic dean.

e.    The Office of the PSVP will process the ePAF for the terminating member.

f.    The dean will counsel with the chairperson regarding:

(1)    Replacement or allocation changes;

(2)    The level of employment or replacement, if any; and

(3)    Exit interview information.

g.    Annually by May 31, the dean will provide the PSVP with an exit interview summary for faculty who departed during the year. Procedures for exit interviews are outlined in OP 32.14, Exit Interviews of Departing Faculty.

2.  An ePAF is required to terminate the employment of a faculty member any time the employee is separated from the university. Faculty employees will be placed on leave without pay when funding ceases unless an ePAF is processed to terminate the employee.

3.  Tenured and continuing-appointment faculty who maintain an active affiliation with the university and an active university login profile will retain access to their email account/address (including their history of email correspondence, but excluding voluntarily deleted items, junk, scam, and/or compromising emails). An ePAF form must be completed for either adjunct or non-compensated employee status in order for email access to be continued.

4.  Other OPs that may also relate to faculty departure and replacement and that should be reviewed include:

OP 32.14, Exit Interviews of Departing Faculty
OP 32.16, Faculty Recruitment Procedure
OP 32.17, Faculty Appointments and Titles
OP 32.28, Faculty Applicants Not Holding Doctoral Degrees in Departments/Areas Requiring the Doctorate

Operating Policies & Procedures