Texas Tech University


Terrence Coffie

"Building Partnerships with Communities: Creating Social Change Together”

In his address, Terrence Coffie will speak about the importance of community collaboration for achieving social change, as “those closest to the problem are also those closest to the solution.”  He will highlight the significance of working together to address social issues, and how use of privilege can empower communities and foster change.  He will share inspiring stories of communities creating positive change together, discuss key insights, and highlight common challenges as well as strategies for overcoming them.  He will leave the audience with a framework for collaborative action to equally empower individuals and communities.


Terrence Coffie is a 2017 graduate of New York University's Silver School of Social-Work, where he earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the field of social-work, with a focus in criminal justice reform. As an advocate, activist and educator, Terrence has committed himself to creating social and political change within the criminal justice system. Terrence serves as an Adjunct Professor at New York University's Silver School of Social Work, where he teaches Forensic Justice in Problem Solving Courts. He is the Founder and CEO of The Social Justice Network. During his tenure at NYU, Mr. Coffie interned at the prestigious McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research. He was named the 2017 NASW-NYC Alex Rosen Student of The Year and was the 2017 Excellence in Leadership Award Recipient. Other awards include NYU's 2016 President's Service Award & Excellence in Leadership Award for his development of the College Pathways Program, which assists young men of color in obtaining educational opportunities. In 2017 he made his debut as a contributing author in Race, Education and Reintegrating the Formerly Incarcerated Citizen.  As a formerly incarcerated person, Terrence brings a very insightful, distinctive, and unique perspective surrounding these issues.


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