September 16-20, 2024
Follow @texastechSAB on Instagram for event updates!
All Week
Hygiene Drive for Childrens Advocacy Center | | Main & East Info Desks
Masked Writers - “An Act of Service” | Main Info Desk
In this weeks Masked Writers wall, tell us about “An Act of Service”. Visit @TexasTechSAB
for more info on this series!
Monday, September 16
Volunteer Fair
11 AM - 2 PM | SUB Red Raider Ballroom
Visit with community agencies and service-oriented student organizations and find
an opportunity that fits your personality and schedule!
Tuesday, September 17
Voter Registration
10 AM - 12:00 PM | East Info ATM Area
Be the change you wish to see in the world and Register to Vote in Lubbock today with
RHA/RHO. It starts with you!
Rainbow Room
2 - 5 PM | 5-10 Volunteers
1103 M.L.K. Jr Blvd
Help support local youth by volunteering with SAB at the Rainbow Room! This organization
assists our CPS department in serving children in critical need.
Wednesday, September 18
Cards for CASA
11 AM - 2 PM | East Info ATM Area
Help SGA create cards for foster youth!
South Plains Food Bank
2 - 5 PM | 25 volunteers
5605 M.L.K. Jr Blvd
Join SAB at the South Plains Food Bank to help support their mission! This facility
is dedicated to serving hundreds of local families every day!
Thursday, September 19
Cards for Campus Caretakers
11 AM - 2 PM | East Info ATM Area
Join RISE in making cards for the grounds teams who work hard to keep our campus beautiful!
Lubbock Impact
1 - 4 PM | 10 volunteers
2707 34th St
Lubbock Impact is committed to meeting the needs of our community. Join SAB as we
help in organizing their clothing closet for families in need.
Friday, September 20
Birthday Cake Sets for RMHC
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | SUB North Plaza
Join Student Involvement & RISE at the SUB North Plaza to help create Birthday Cake
Sets for RMHC!
Ronald McDonald House Charities - Guest Chef
4 PM | 10 volunteers
3413 10th Street
Join SAB as we make a meal for families in need at the Ronald McDonald House.
Raffle for Refuge: Fundraiser for Grace Campus
1 - 3 PM | SUB West Plaza | 10 volunteers
Join RISE at the SUB West Plaza, where all raffle proceeds will go toward supporting
Grace Campus in building shelters for the unhoused.
Service Week is hosted by:
Residence Halls Association, Raiders Helping Others, Risk Intervention & Safety Education, Student Involvement and Student Activities Board.
Russell J. Gallegos
Student Activities
Student Activities Board
2625 15th Street Box 42031 Lubbock, Texas 79409 -
Student Activities 806.742.4708 -