Texas Tech University

Child Development Research Center

Human Development and Family Sciences


One important function of the CDRC is to generate research that contributes to knowledge about children and family relationships. Recent research has sought to answer questions about children's understanding of stories, children's social competencies in mixed age-group preschools, gender differences, and use of language in children's pretend play. Research that takes place in the Child Development Research Center generates new knowledge.

All proposals for programs and research are screened closely by the Director of the CDRC and Human Development and Family Studies faculty. No research is ever initiated which in any way could be detrimental to a child's involvement in the program or his/her own psychological well-being. Research studies are primarily observational or are based on children's normal play activities. They do not manipulate children's behavior in any way. Upon enrollment parents must generally consent to observational study and research. Parents are informed and permission is obtained for any new research project that is not purely observational.

As a University Center, the Child Development Research Center has a critical mission in contributing to the knowledge base that will improve the lives of children. The Center is committed to creating the means by which this mission can be fulfilled.

Contact Information

Any inquiries regarding conducting research and application materials should be directed to the HDFS  Interim Department Chairperson:
Dana Weiser

All general inquiries can be directed to the CDRC Director:
Stacy Johnson

CDRC Observation Room Calendars

You must use your eraider name and password to view calendars.

Child Development Research Center

  • Address

    15th Street and Akron, Box 41230, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-1230
  • Phone

  • Email
