Become a Sponsor

The Texas Tech Equestrian Team is asking for contributions from you and your company to help sponsor our show season. It takes approximately $50,000 to get our team through a show season. All sponsors will receive recognition and incentives for their contributions.
The Texas Tech Equestrian Team is also in need of both English and Western tack & horses. Any company that donates saddles, bridles, girths, cinches, saddle pads, brushes, hoof picks, fly spray, etc. will also be recognized.

Click the link below to download the form to donate & become a sponsor by mailing in a check.
Click the link below to donate & become a sponsor online using a
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express
Equestrian Team
5712 CR 1500, Lubbock, TX 79407 -
806.786.6761 -