Texas Tech University

Association of Biologists at Texas Tech University

The Texas Tech University Association of Biologists (TTUAB) is a Graduate Student Organization Designed to:

  • Promote camaraderie and scientific interaction among graduate students within the department.
  • Promote scientific interaction among departmental graduate students and member of other universities through attendance at scientific meetings
  • Promote graduate students' scholarship
  • Act as a service organization for the department and University

Membership in TTUAB is open to any graduate student (full or part time) in the Department of Biological Sciences who is in good standing with both the department and the university.  Requests for membership are accepted during the first four weeks of the fall or spring semesters and must be accompanied with the annual dues of forty dollars.  For more information, please refer to the TTUAB constitution and by-laws.

TTUAB members who fulfill all requirements (dues and hours) are eligible for yearly conference travel expenses, TTABSS Awards, and Grants-in-Aid.  For 2015-2016, TTUAB awarded $7000 in grants and paid over $10,000 in conference travel expenses.

