Protein Identification/Metabolite Identification
Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
- Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap Velos
- Thermo Scientific LTQ-XL Linear Ion Trap
- Thermo Scientific TSQ Vantage QQQ
- Protein/peptide identification from enzymatic digest
- Label-free quantification of proteins
- Identification of Post-translational modifications
- Analyses of small molecules/metabolites
- MRM quantitation for small molecules such as drug metabolites, steroid hormones, plant flavonoids and more...
MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry
- ABI/MDS SCIEX 4800 Mass Spectrometer
- Analysis of peptides, proteins and other small molecules
- Identification of proteins and analysis of post-translational modifications
- Determination of molecular weight of intact proteins
Proteomics Software for Protein Identification and Quantitation
- Mascot 2.5.1 (Matrix Science Ltd) for protein identification.
- Proteome Discoverer 2.0 Search Engine (Thermo) for
- Max Quant (Proteomic software) for protein quantification.
- Ingenuity Pathways (Software) for pathway analysis.
For all inquiries about services, instrumentation use, consultations and collaborations please contact members of the Proteomics Core at the Center for Biotechnology and Genomics
Center for Biotechnology & Genomics
Texas Tech University, Canton & Main Experimental Sciences Building, Room 101, Lubbock, TX 79409, Mail Stop 3132 -
806.742.6927 | Fax: 806.742.3788 -