Protein Purification
Electrophoresis Systems
- Biorad Protean IEF 2D-gel System
- First dimension: isoelectric focusing of proteins
- Second dimension: protein separation on SDS-Page
- In-gel digestion of protein spots analyzed
- Please contact the facility if you are interested in this service and for training on the use of the instrument (806) 742-2393.
- More Information.
Biorad Protean IEF 2D-gel Information
The newest addition to the core facility is the BioRad 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis system. 2D-gel electrophoresis is a powerful technique for separating and isolating a complex mixture of proteins. The first dimension separates the proteins on the basis of their isoelectric point. These proteins are separated further in the second dimension on the basis of their size (standard SDS-PAGE). Individual spots (proteins) from the stained gel can be selected and subjected to in-gel proteolysis and peptide extraction. The extracted peptides can be analyzed by mass spectrometry for identification.
Three size formats are available, depending on the complexity of the protein sample. The first dimension (isoelectric focusing) is run on the Protean system, with a selection of pH ranges and IPG strip lengths available. The second dimension (SDS-PAGE) may be run using the Protean IIxi cell (for 17cm gels), the Criterion cell (for 11cm gels) or the Tetra cell (for 7cm gels). Please consult with the Center staff regarding the use of this system for your research goals.
Center for Biotechnology & Genomics
Texas Tech University, Canton & Main Experimental Sciences Building, Room 101, Lubbock, TX 79409, Mail Stop 3132 -
806.742.6927 | Fax: 806.742.3788 -