Texas Tech University

Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certification in Higher Education Administration (CERT) offers opportunities for any individual interested in working in colleges and universities to hone their skills by taking coursework that focuses on the current trends and methodologies in the higher education administration sector. A minimum of 15 semester credit hours is required for certification. This program is considered a non-degree seeking program and does not qualify for financial aid assistance. The program is currently offered onsite only although some specific courses may be offered online. The GRE is not required for the certificate program.

Certificate Handbook

Higher Education Administration & Leadership Certificate M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration (Online) M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration Ph.D. in Higher Education (Online)
Introduction to higher education administration and leadership Prepares graduates to lead in higher education organizations Prepares graduates to lead in higher education organizations Prepares graduates for executive leadership roles in higher education and to conduct research
Online/Face to Face
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Designed for full-time professionals or current graduate students at TTU Designed for full-time professionals seeking graduate degree Designed for Graduate Assistants and working professionals Designed for full-time professionals, but limited Research Assistantships are available for potential full-time students
Internship not required Internship not required Internship not required Practical experiences in research and scholarly communication
No Final Project Capstone Project Capstone Project or Thesis Dissertation

In addition to the offerings in the College of Education focused on higher education administration, the college has programs focused on educational leadership and policy analysis.