GIScience and Technology
Department expertise in GIScience includes spatial analysis and modeling, remote sensing and image processing, geodatabase design and application development, cartography and Internet mapping, global positioning, the analysis of location-based social media and applications of high-performance computing cycberinfrastructure.
Department research involves the application of formal (mathematical and computational), visual and geospatial techniques (e.g., GIS, GPS and remote sensing ) to spatio-temporal aspects of theoretical and methodological problems within the areas of environmental science and engineering, public health, urban dynamics, petroleum engineering, and quantitative methodology.
Current research topics include representation and modeling of spatiotemporal changes/dynamics, location-based social media data analysis, heterogeneous spatiotemporal data fusion, spatial cognition, and applications of extremely high performance computing cyberinfrastructure (e.g. XSEDE) to addressing the computing challenges of these research topics when facing 'big' spatiotemporal problems.
Dr. Xiaopeng Song, environmental geography, remote sensing, of land use/cover changes.
Dr. Xuanton (Tony) Wang, geodatabase development and applications of GIS in physical geography and environmental science.
Faculty Collaborators
Dr. David Leverington (geology), applications of remote sensing to the study of landforms on the Moon, Venus and Mars.
Dr. Seiichi Nagihara (geology), applications of LiDAR to the study of arid landforms, GIS.
Research and Teaching Facilities
- GIST 3300/5300 Geographic Information Systems
- GIST 3301/5301 Remote Sensing of the Environment
- GIST 4302/5302 Spatial Analysis and Modeling
- GIST 4304/5304 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
- GIST 4308/5308 Cartographic Design
- GIST 4310/5310 GPS Field Mapping
- GIST 4312/5312 Internet Mapping
- GEOL 4331/5342 Digital Imagery in the Geosciences
- GEOL 4351/5351 Imaging Spectroscopy and Raster Classification
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -