Human Geography
Department research in human geography covers a number of diverse topics including social, urban and economic geography; issues of racial identity, political ecology and geographic education.
From a regional perspective, faculty expertise includes world regonal geography, the geography of Texas and the American Southwest, the geography of the United States and Canada, the geography of Latin and South America, and the geography of Europe.
See also:
Dr. Perry Carter, social, urban and economic geography, issues of racial identity, geographic methods.
Dr. Jen Henderson, Risk, uncertainty, and vulnerability/resilience. Rapid and slow onset disasters. Weather and climate extremes. Politcal ecology.
Research and Teaching Facilities
- GEOG 2300 Introduction to Human Geography
- GEOG 2351 World Regional Geography
- GEOG 3337 Economic Geography
- GEOG 3350 Social and Cultural Geography
- GEOG 3351 Geography of Urban Places
- GEOG 3353 Environmental Sustainability
- GEOG 5300 Seminar in Geographic Research
- GEOG 5303 Advanced Human Geography
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -