Texas Tech University


(Sorghum bicolor Mutation Database)

SorbMutDB provides information on the sequence indexed EMS-induced mutations of 1,000 Sorghum mutant lines in the genetic background of the reference genome line Btx623. To provide a solid platform, SorbMutDB maintains a sizable collection of mutation-related data and its impact at the amino acid level in an adaptive framework. Information provided includes the details about the mutant plant line with its ID information, chromosome, location, the function of the gene in Arabidopsis thaliana and Rice (Oryza sativa), the number of mutants affected and a number of alleles, and a detailed summary of mutation type with the SIFT (Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant) score.

To request seeds of the mutants, please email: Dr. Zhanguo Xin or Dr. Yinping Jiao.