Membership Recruitment Committee
The Membership Recruitment Committee consists of a chair and as many "in good standing" paid members as want to participate on the committee.
The chair or committee representative will provide regular monthly reports at officer meetings and general meetings.
This committee will be resposible for increasing membership across the Texas Tech University acdemic campus, the Health Sciences Center Medical Campus and the Lubbock Community. We welcome all levels of employee to include faculty, staff and non-Latino/Hispanic TTU, TTUHSC and Lubbock community members.
The committee chair and/or members will attend the monthly New Employee Orientation (NEO) held the first Tuesday of each month by TTU Human Resources Talent Development Office to represent the association using the 6 foot banner purchased for this monthly event. The swag provided to the committee will be dispersed with membership applications to join the association during the Staff Services Fair. Swag will be decided on by the committee chair and commitee members to be limited by funds needed by other committee chairs. Swag can include but is not limited to pens, pencils, backscratchers, window clings, chap stick and anything else the committee would like to research for cost. These items will be purchased on the TTU FOP.
The chair will work closely with the Treasurer to aquire the TTU FOP for our association's expenses to provide for all necessary supplies for each recruiting event.
The chair will work closely with the Website Committee Chair to ensure that pictures relating to recruiting events is placed on the website for archiving.
Evaluations of monthly recruiting events will be conducted by the chair to present at the officer and general meetings for improvements and a review of what worked well and what did not work well according to the committee members.
Latino Hispanic Faculty & Staff Association
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2011 -