Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee consists of a chair and as many "in good standing" paid members as want to participate on the committee.
The chair or committee representative will provide regular monthly reports at officer meetings and general meetings.
This committee will be resposible for producing flyers, posters, public announcements in TechAnnounce, announcements in TTU Events Calendar and any other medium available to the chair and members. This committee will help recruit an audience of faculty, students and community members to attend our Cultural Awareness Seminar held every April, an audience to view our participation in the Dia De Los Muertos celebration coordinated by Unidos Por Un Mismo Idioma during All Souls Day in November, an audience to participate in the Las Posadas held every December and, to our members, encourage attendance to the association's awards ceremony held in December.
The chair will attempt to procure funding for printing cost by initiating and growing a close relationship with the College of Media and Communication on the TTU campus.
The chair will work closely with the Treasurer to aquire the TTU FOP for our association's expenses to provide for all necessary printing costs for each event. We have used the Printing Center ( at the HSC Room BC351 in the basement for posters and logo give-aways. We have also previously purchased give-aways and shirts from Scarborough Specialties in Lubbock. When we need color copies contact Swift Print in the same office as the Printing Center at 743-2094 or
The chair will work closely with the Events Committee Chair and Fundraising Committee Chair to promote each of the association's events and activities.
The chair will work closely with the Website Committee Chair to ensure that pictures, flyers and any other documents relating to each of the events is placed on the website for archiving.
Evaluations of each marketing effort will be conducted by the chair to present at the officer and general meetings for improvements and a review of what worked well and what did not work well according to the committee members.
Advertising Options Include: 1.) (, 2.) Tech Events (, 3.) TechAnnounce, 4.), 5.) Latino Lubbock Magazine (, 6.) Lubbock in the Loop.
Posters and flyers can be distributed with the help of members who are located at different buildings on campus and at the HSC. Following is a listing of what locations are best to post from experience. If you decide to send by mailstop provide a generous invitation/introduction to event on LHFSA letterhead with gratitude in return for help to post event posters. It's better to post yourself to ensure it is done. Order 100 posters (11X14), 200 regular sheets cut in half for flyers (210 of these will be for the SUB mailboxes) and 60 programs.
10/2013 Posters on Campus
- Student Union and Activities SUB Rm. 203 has all mailboxes to all student organizations. Provide regular half-sheet flyers (5.5 X 4) and they will stuff 210 mailboxes for you! Also there is a bulletin board on the first floor next to the coke machine and restrooms on the north side of the building on the first floor for a poster. Posting are only allowed for two weeks and then taken down. (Very close to the information desk.)
- Residence Halls on campus go to Administration in Wiggins Complex. This is the same building with Sam's inside. Enter the building on the west side and find the officesfor student housing. You can also send by mailstop: RHA MS 1141. Have 19 posters ready and they will distribute for you!
- Holden Hall College of Visual and Performing Arts Room 1C1 for approval 1 poster. MS 5060 Attn: Christina Flett
- Holden Hall History Dept. 3 posters all around center circle. MS 1013 Attn: Department of History
- Graduate School 3rd Floor Admin Bldg East Wing Room #328 1 poster. MS 1030 Attn: Graduate Admissions
- Geosciences Reading Room #125 approval 1 poster. MS 1053
- Dept of Physics Room #101 approval 1 poster. MS 1051
- Human Sciences Dean's Office Rm. 142 A-E approval 3 posters. MS 1162 Attn: Lacy Hardman
- Foreign Language Bldg. 2nd Floor Main Office Rm. 207 approval 2 posters. MS 2071
- Petroleum Engineering has 5 boards for posters. Go to the 2nd Floor Room 214 A-C for approval. MS 3111
- Computer Science go to the office and drop off 2 posters. MS 3104
- Mechanical Engineering go to the office for initials and post yourself. Have 9 posters ready. MS 1021
- Civil & Agricultural Engineering go to office for initials and post yourself. Have 5 posters ready. MS 1023
- Media & Communication can post on all the marble walls on every floor! Bring tape to post 2 posters on the first floor and 2 on the second floor. No need to do more as there are TWELVE floors in the building. MS 3082
- Biological Sciences Office Rm. #108 approval 1 poster, Hang in Rotunda LH100. MS 3131
- Art 2 posters, one next to office and one downstairs. MS 2081
- Education 1 poster in stairwell next to offices in east wing. MS 1071
- English 2nd Floor Rm. 212 Give to secretary for posting (they have 10 display cases, give them 3 posters.) MS 3091
- Chemistry and Biochemistry in breezeway on free standing bulletin boards 1 poster, MS 1061
- Mathematics and Statistics 1 poster in the basement. MS 1042
- Cross-Cultural Academic Advancement Center MS 5065 send 1 poster Atten: Dr. Juan Munoz
- At lunch time during the fall semester you can pass out 50 flyers in thirty minutes with all the students passing you by in the free speech area in front of the hexagon where the Southwest Special Collections building is located.
- Get 13 posters printed and distribute in the Lubbock community. Provide 4 to the City/County Library deliver to Libraries Director at Mahon 1306 9th St. on the 2nd Floor 775-2834. Provide 8 posters to the City of Lubbock Parks and Recreation Dept. with Indoor Recreation and Public Relations Office who distribute to community & senior centers at 1611 10th St. or call 775-2826. Provide 1 poster to the Buddy Holly Center at 1801 Crickets 775-3560.
- Student Govt in the SUB Room #302 is supposed to have a blanket stamp for the campus for postings.
Latino Hispanic Faculty & Staff Association
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2011 -