Texas Tech University

Position Openings

Undergraduate Researcher Positions in Biomechanics in Cardiovascular Diseases

Position Description: The Hong Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at Texas Tech University (TTU) is seeking highly motivated undergraduate students interested in our research in Biomechanics in cardiovascular diseases. Undergraduate students can be supported through the TTU Honors College Scholarships or TrUE Scholars Program. The position will start in Fall 2024. Students will gain research experience in the following areas: cell isolation from tissue and culture, utilization of a fully motorized phase contrast microscope, cellular and tissue mechanical testing using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Myograph, 2D and 3D cell migration, and mathematical models for biomedical signal processing.

Required Qualifications and Skills:

·     We encourage applicants who are currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and Biology, or a related field at TTU.

·     We are seeking individuals who are self-motivated with the ability to work on scientific projects as part of a team under the supervision of a graduate student mentor.

·     Strong writing and verbal communication skills are necessary.

·     The Hong Lab expects hired students to be respectful and committed to building an inclusive and welcoming laboratory environment.

·     The participating undergraduate students are expected to present their experimental results at the TTU Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) next year during your participation.

Application Instructions: If you are interested in this position, please contact Prof. Zhongkui Hong at Zhongkui.hong@ttu.edu. The subject heading of your email should be “Application for The Hong Lab Undergraduate Researcher Position”. Please include a cover letter (no more than one page) and your CV. We encourage you to elaborate in your cover letter on why you are a good fit for the position. Please explain your interest in conducting biomedical research and how the research experience in The Hong Lab will contribute to achieving your immediate and long-term career goals. Applications that do not adhere to these instructions will be considered incomplete and will not receive any response.

About Prof. Zhongkui Hong: Dr. Zhongkui Hong is an Associate Professor in the ME department at TTU. His research focuses on Biomechanics in human diseases, as well as Mechanics in biomaterial and tissue engineering. Dr. Hong's research has received funding from prestigious organizations such as the American Heart Association, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the South Dakota (SD) Board of Regents. His outstanding contributions to research and teaching were acknowledged with the 2021 University President's Award for Research Excellence, one of the highest honors at USD, and the 2022 Richard and Sharon Cutler Outstanding Faculty Award from the College of Arts and Sciences, in recognition of his promotion of liberal arts education at USD. Through his mentorship and outreach activities at USD, he has demonstrated a strong commitment to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM fields. Dr. Hong has mentored six undergraduate students, all of whom presented their research findings at the SD EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Symposium. Four of these students have co-authored papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, two of them have pursued further education in graduate programs, while one is currently pursuing a medical doctorate.

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