Texas Tech University

Bus Trips

Holiday Bus trips offered by Parent and Family Relations

Holiday Bus Trips

Breakshuttle provides trips to and from Texas Tech during Thanksgiving and Spring Break.  Destinations include Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso* (*Thanksgiving only). Bookmark the Texas Tech BreakShuttle page and sign up for emails for information about upcoming trips.

Upcoming Trips:

Thanksgiving: November 27 - December 1st

Seats are on sale now!

Buses depart Texas Tech on Wedensday, November 27th and return Sunday, December 1st. 

Check-in and prarking instructions will be provided prior to the trips. 

For departure times, drop-off locations, and to purchase seats, visit the Breakshuttle page.


Questions about registration or anything connected to the bus trips should be directed to BreakShuttle, information@breakshuttle.com. If you have a question, leave a message at 855-620-1924 and they will return your call at their earliest convenience