Texas Tech University

Red Raider Family Member of the Year Award

Parent and Grandparent of the Year Recipients 2019

Started in 2013, the Red Raider Family Member of the Year Award is a more recent tradition added to Family Weekend. Students have the opportunity to nominate their parent, sibling, guardian, or grandparent who has impacted the student's life significantly, both personally and academically. This is a chance for Texas Tech to recognize the parents who contribute to the success of our students.

Texas Tech Red Raider Family Member of the Year Award

Red Raider Family Member of the Year Application

Want to show your parents, siblings, guardians, grandparents, or other supporters just how much you appreciate everything they've done for you? This is your opportunity to nominate them for the Red Raider Family Member of the Year award!

This award is given to the parents, guardians, grandparents, or other supporters of a current Texas Tech Undergraduate, Graduate, or Health Science Center student, and selection is based upon an application process. If you would like to nominate your parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) please take a moment to review the award criteria and guidelines below and submit your application.

Criteria and Guidelines

  1. The Texas Tech Red Raider Family Member of the Year Award seeks to recognize parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) who have made a significant impact and contribution to the life of a Texas Tech student. By supporting you, they are in turn supporting Texas Tech University.
  2. In essay form, please tell us why your parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) should be the 2023 Texas Tech Red Raider Family Member of the Year. Please limit all responses to two pages, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced.
  3. To nominate your parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) for the 2024 Texas Tech Red Raider Family Member of the Year award, submit a completed nomination form and essay by 5:00 PM on Friday, August 30, 2024.
  4. All essays and entries will be judged in strict confidentiality by the Texas Tech Red Raider Family Member of the Year Award Selection Committee. Your name and information sheet will be removed from your entry to ensure an unbiased decision. 
  5. Submissions will be judged on:
      • Merit of your parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) outstanding involvement in your life.
      • How parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) have served as role models.
      • Personal sacrifices that parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) have made to benefit you.
      • Qualities or characteristics that make them special.
  6. By submitting this form, you allow the Office of Parent and Family Relations permission to mail or email your nominee(s) a copy of the submitted essay.


  1. All Texas Tech Undergraduate, Graduate, and Health Sciences Center students are eligible to nominate their parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) for this award.
  2. The Red Raider Family Member of the Year Award is open to all students, including non-traditional households. If you were raised by someone other than your birth mother or father, please take the time to nominate that special individual. You may nominate both of your parents or caregivers for the award.
  3. The winning parent(s)/sibling(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) will receive a commemorative plaque presented by the nominee during the Family Weekend Texas Tech football half-time ceremony on Saturday, September 30th, 2023, and will be recognized via our social media pages during the last week of September.

Nominations are now open! Deadline to submit is 5:00 PM on Friday, August 30, 2024.


For more information or questions, contact Bryanna Valdivia at parent@ttu.edu or 806-742-3630.