Texas Tech University

APDL WeatherStation



The versatility of the Raspberry Pi allows it to be used in a multitude of ways, specifically Raspberry Pi's can be used to build modular weather stations to monitor the environment conditions in multiple areas. This project is the creation of a network of raspberry pi's taking temperature, pressure, and humidity data in the Advanced Particle Detector Lab (APDL) run by the physics department at Texas Tech. An undetermined amount of sensors, each consisting of a raspberry pi and BME280 sensor, make up the data collection end of our system. Each sensor sends their data back to a hub server which then aggregates the data and allows it to be analyzed at a centrally located terminal. The climate control of the APDL is important because the lab is manufacturing environmentally sensitive radiation sensors, and such the HVAC systems must be monitored closely. In addition to the rooms, there are sensors placed in two dry cabinets that must be kept below a certain humidity level. The goal is for this project to complete the network created such that this technology could be duplicated and used by other research labs looking for environmental monitoring.