Heather Kopp, Ph.D.
Email: hkopp@ttu.edu
Room Number: Holden Hall 16
Website: https://heatherkopp.github.io/
Heather M. Kopp (Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2024; B.S., Truman State University,
2019) is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Texas Tech University.
Her work focuses on the domestic determinants and consequences of interstate conflict and on political competition. With domestic determinants of interstate conflict, she studies the effect of civil conflict, nonstate actors, domestic institutions, and public opinion on interstate conflict processes. With domestic consequences of interstate conflict, she studies the effect of interstate conflict on civil conflict processes, voting behavior, public opinion, and foreign policy party issue ownership perceptions. She also studies how parties compete over and manage issue ownership over foreign policy. Her work is published in Political Research Quarterly. She teaches both graduate and undergraduate international relations courses.
Department of Political Science
Dept. of Political Science, Texas Tech University, 113 Holden Hall, Boston & Akron Streets, Lubbock, TX 79409-1015 Fax: 806.742.0850 -
806.742.3121 -