Texas Tech University

Wesley Wehde, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Political Science

Email: wwehde@ttu.edu

Dr. Wehde Website

Wesley Wehde is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration in the Department of Political Science at Texas Tech University. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at East Tennessee State University. He earned his Ph.D. in political science at the University of Oklahoma where he worked as a research assistant for the Center for Risk and Crisis Management.


His research uses cases from environmental and natural hazards policy and politics to develop theoretical approaches to the study of policy proceses, applied policy analyses, and public administration. Methodologically, he relies on original survey data collection, both descriptive and experimental. To this effect, he has published research in outlets such as the Public Administration Review, Policy Studies Journal, Publius, and Energy Economics, among others.

Dr. Wesley Wehde

Department of Political Science

  • Address

    Dept. of Political Science, Texas Tech University, 113 Holden Hall, Boston & Akron Streets, Lubbock, TX 79409-1015 Fax: 806.742.0850
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