Work For University Recreation!

Please complete the Interest Form here if you are interested in attending an Info Session for Spring 2025. Positions that require certifications (Lifeguard and Fitness Instructor) may actively looking for staff for Summer 2025. Please fill out an Interest Form and indicate your certification status.
- Aquatics
- Certified Lifeguard
- Job Description: A Lifeguard employed with Texas Tech University Recreation is responsible for the overall health, safety and welfare of those using recreation aquatic facilities and attending aquatic programs. Secondary responsibilities include the overall maintenance and upkeep of all aquatic facilities. A lifeguard certification is required to apply for this position. Certifications from the following agencies are accepted: American Red Cross, StarGuard, Ellis and Associates, YMCA, BSA, and USLA. This Lifeguarding role is considered a forward-facing customer service position.
- Pay rate: Starting at $10.00/hour, increases with each certification
- Example Hours: We are open Sunday - Saturday. Typcially shifts are 3-5 hours long. All schedules are based on availability and need.
- Entry Level: Yes, contingent on current certifications or completion of certification course.
- Register for a Lifeguard Tryout Session
- Swim Lesson Instructor
- Job Description: A Water Safety Instructor (WSI) employed with Texas Tech University Recreation is responsible for teaching courses in the American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety program including Parent and Child Aquatics, Preschool Aquatics, Learn-to-Swim, Adult Swim, and Private Lessons. A swim instructor certification is required to apply for this position. Certifications from the following agencies are accepted: American Red Cross, StarGuard, Ellis and Associates, YMCA, BSA, and USLA.
- Pay rate: $11.00/hour
- Example Hours: We offer swim lesson year-round, Monday-Thursday. Typical shifts in the Fall and Spring are 2-3 hours long and are in the evenings. In the Summer shifts are 2-4 hours in the morning and the afternoon. All staff are required to teach at least once in the Fall and Spring and at least twice in the Summer.
- Interested? Click here
- Certified Lifeguard
- Facilities
- Facility Assistant
- Job Description: Under general supervision, a Facility Assistant enforces policies, maintains the cleanliness of equipment, and demonstrates excellent customer service. Additionally, employees are always required to provide a welcoming, inclusive environment. This an entry-level position; no prior experience necessary.
- Pay rate: $9.00/hour
- Example Hours: We are open Sunday - Saturday. Typcially shifts are 3-5 hours long. All schedules are based on availability and need.
- Entry Level: Yes. Interested?
- Facilities Lead Staff
- Job Description: Under general supervision, the Facility Lead maintains access points, creating a welcoming environment for all UREC guests. Facility leads are responsible for answering patron questions, selling memberships, troubleshooting member accounts, and general office responsibilities. Some customer service experience required..
- Pay rate: $9.50/hour
- Example Hours:We are open Sunday - Saturday. Typically, shifts are 3-5 hours long. Schedules are based on availability and need.
- Outdoor Grounds Crew
- Job Desription: Under general supervision, a member of the Outdoor Grounds Crew is responsible for inspection, preparation, and maintenance of outdoor sports facilities including West Rec Grass and Turf Fields, the Softball Complex, Rugby Field, Urbanovsky Park (including all play spaces and amphitheater). This position is critical to maintaining outdoor sports facilities in a presentable and functional state, thereby minimizing risk to users. This is an entry level position, but basic knowledge of handiwork and tools is preferred.
- Pay rate: $9.50/hour
- Example Hours: Mornings and Afternoons. Typcially shifts are 2-4 hours long
- Entry Level: Yes. With some basic knowledge of tools and handiwork. Interested?
- Fitness/Wellness
- Group Fitness Instructor
- Job Description: A University Recreation Group Fitness class instructor is responsible for motivating patrons individually or as a group while keeping them safe, educating patrons on proper movement technique, maintaining a high level of focus and control, and creating a friendly, energetic and welcoming environment. Instructors are well versed in a variety of different formats: step, kickboxing, strength, core, cardio water, yoga, Pilates, barre and cycle.
- Pay rate: Starting at $12.00/hr. NCCA Accredited Certification required for employment. Stop by the Fit/Well Suite to talk about our certification courses to become certified.
- Example Hours: 2 - 8 Hours per week.
- Entry Level: Yes. . CLick for more information on our certification courses.
- Instructional Dance Instructor
- Job Description: As a University Recreation Instructional Dance Instructor, you will be expected to motivate patrons individually or as a group while keeping them safe, and educating patrons on proper movement technique, creating a friendly, energetic and welcoming environment. Instructional Dance forms can include: belly dance, ballet, hip hop choreography, salsa, bachata, country, etc. No additional certification required
- Pay rate: $12.00/hr
- Example Hours: Classes vary, 2-8 hours per week
- Entry Level: Yes. No additonal certification required Interested?
- Personal Trainer
- Job Description:A University Recreation Personal Trainer is responsible conducting individual and group personal training sessions in a dynamic, safe and constructive manner, while maintaining a high level of motivation and control in classes while exhibiting friendly, kind, energetic, outgoing and enthusiastic qualities. NCCA Accredited Certification required for employment.
- Pay rate: $12.00/hr Can increase with more certifications
- Example Hours: Hours set by client load. Working weekends may be necessary.
- Entry Level: Yes. NCAA Accredited Certification required for employment.Need to become certified? Click here.
- CrossFit Coach
- Job Description: Coming soon.
- Pay rate: $12.00/hr. NCCA Accredited Certification required for employment..
- Example Hours: Classes are taught at 6:30am 4:30pm and 5:30pm Monday – Friday. Saturday class is at 10:00am. Working on weekends may be necessary.
- Entry Level: Yes. CrossFit Level One coaching certificate required for employment. Interested?
- Massage Therapist
- Job Description: Coming soon.
- Pay rate: $22-26.00/hr
- Example Hours: Depends on interest and client load.
- Entry Level: No, this position goes through TTU HR. Interested?
- Group Fitness Instructor
- Intramural Sports
- Sport Officials
- Job Description: Officiate Team Sports for the IM Community. Enforce Game Rules and Sportsmanship policies while providing leadership in the exciting world of sports. No prior officiating experience is needed but basic knowledge of the sport is required. All officiating equipment needed will be provided at the trainings.
- Pay rate: $9.50/game in most sports. Games typically last an hour.
- Example Hours: Sunday-Thursday Evenings. Between 2-4 games a night.
- Entry Level: Yes. With some basic knowledge of the sport and with attendance and completion of Rules/Mechanics Clinics. Sports include Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball.
- More Info
- Sport Officials
- Marketing
- Graphic Designer
- Job Description: Under general supervision, the Marketing Student Designer is responsible for creating marketing and promotion pieces for the department. This might include brochures, digital posters, flyers, mail pieces, logos, and other design pieces as needed. This position is critical to maintaining the brand presence of University Recreation to students, faculty, staff and the community. They also assist UREC Professional staff with other duties as assigned.
- Pay rate: $9.50/hour
- Example Hours: Office Setting - Most shifts are 2-4 hours long.
- Entry Level: Yes. With a working knowledge of graphic design software. Interested?
- Marketing Staff: Social Media, Videographer, Photographer
- Job Description: These positions are critical to maintaining the brand presence of University Recreation to students, faculty, staff and the community. They also assist UREC Professional staff with other duties as assigned.
- Pay rate: $9.50/hour
- Example Hours: Varies - Days, Nights, Weekends. Most shifts are 2-4 hours long.
- Entry Level: Yes. With a working knowledge of different video equipment and editing systems. Interested?
- Graphic Designer
- Member Services
- Member Services Assistant
- Job Description: Works with the member services coordinator to sell memberships and answer member questions.
- Pay rate: $9.50
- Example Hours: Office Setting - Most shifts are 4 hours long
- Entry Level: Yes Interested?
- Member Services Assistant
- Outdoor Pursuits
- OPC Staff
- Job Description: Main duties include working the climbing wall and rental shop. Other skills and positions such as Bike Mechanic and Trip Leader are internally promoted.
- Pay rate: Starting at $9.50, could increase with each new certification.
- Example Hours: 10-15 hours per week.
- Interested?
- OPC Staff
- Summer Sports Camp
- Summer Camp Counselor
- Job Description: Help facilitate a sports camp for youth ages 7-14. Ready to able to participate with a high level of energy. Lead groups of 25-35 with safety, inclusion and fun as the core principles of this sports discovery camp.
- Pay rate: $10.00/hr
- Example Hours: Seasonal Work. Late May to Mid-July. Mon-Fri 7:30am-12:30pm
- Entry Level: Yes. Interested?
- Summer Camp Counselor
Info Sessions:
Click here for Spring 2025 Info Session Dates! Then, let us know which session you'd like to attend.
Aquatics Hiring Info:
Those interested in applying for an Aquatics position are encouraged to complete the interest form anytime throughout the year. You can expect to hear back within 48hrs about open postions and more detailed info.
University Recreation
Texas Tech University, Box 42151, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3351 -