Texas Tech University


A central feature of the LLRC is its expansive collection of educational materials. The collection spans thousands of video titles, books, maps, language games, teaching ancillaries, and professional development materials. This collection is the mainstay of the LLRC's role as a Campus Special Library.

The materials are available to all instructional personnel in CMLL, and may be withdrawn for use outside the facility. Reservations are always recommended. Instructional personnel may also place various items on reserve. Undergraduate students may withdraw many of the materials for use within the facility.

Withdrawals Process

Language instructional personnel (within CMLL) are free to browse the materials stacks, located in our main areas. Our staff are available to answers questions about specific titles, or perhaps to recommend items for particular goals.

Items are checked-out through the HelpDesk, and customarily issued for 3-5 business days, but longer withdrawals are available. Undergraduate students may review our printed catalog, and often receive specific instructions or suggestions from their instructors.

Instructor Recommendations for New Material

The LLRC prides itself on responsive collections development, and we are glad to receive continuous input from all levels of language instructional personnel. We consider your input valuable, and appreciate any suggestions. We have a protocol for requesting items and the subsequent acquisitions process.

Due to a number of issues—time constraints, available budgets, and specific costs—we cannot guarantee that every suggestion will be acquired, although we do strive to respect every request we receive. Be aware that we may prioritize materials related directly to instruction. We may also be able, in certain cases, to assist with materials for faculty research, and have wider purview to assist with undergraduate and graduate student research. Any materials purchased by the LLRC become part of our larger collection, and thus are available to all interested patrons.

Language Lab & Research Center