Texas Tech University

Class Credit Through Work Assignment: Final Report and Presentation

The format of the final report will closely follow that of the proposal, with these differences:

  1. More technical details are expected in Sections 4, 5, and 6. Page limitations, as indicated above, may be tripled.
  2. A section entitled "Results" may be added.
  3. The report will include an Appendix Section, in which the student will include a Letter of Recommendation from his/her supervisor, indicating the supervisor's assessment of (1) level of challenge posed by the project, and (2) student's performance.

The final presentation will be a 30−minute PowerPoint presentation, which will have an outline much like the final report. There will be a 10−minute Q&A session following each presentation. In addition to the Program Director, the presentations may be attended by other students participating in the program, EE/CS Faculty, and students.