Texas Tech University

2018 International Research Seed Grants

The annual Seed Grant competition reflects the ongoing commitment of the Offices of the Provost, the Vice Presidents for Research at Texas Tech University and the Health Sciences Center, and the International Research and Development Division of the Office of International Affairs to enhancing international research and development activities and scholarship. Funds available include $25,000 to support TTU faculty and possibly $5,000 for HSC faculty. We are especially interested in supporting faculty developing new international relationships that are interdisciplinary and multi-institutional. Supported work should lay the foundations for long-term international academic relationships.

Research and Development Seed Grants are expected to lead to externally-funded projects in any discipline and may not normally exceed $2,000. No more than one proposal may be submitted by a PI in any funding cycle.

Submissions must use the format detailed below and be received via by COB Friday, 26 January 2018. Judges will assess all applications based on the criteria that follow. Priority will be given to junior faculty and those who have not previously received funding through this program; propose activities linked to University, College, or Departmental strategic goals; who target TTU priority countries (Brazil, China, Ethiopia, India, Oman, and Mexico) or ones in which we do not currently have extensive relations; and whose proposals are likely to have long-term impacts. Departmental or College match is not required but would indicate unit support and be considered in the evaluation, as will the reputation of the proposed collaborator.

Decisions will be announced by the end of February 2018. Recipients must provide evidence that appropriate permissions by IACUC, IRB, and Export Control have all been obtained, if necessary, before funds can be transferred.

A one page report, using the template below, is expected no later than 15 January 2019. The report should detail how the funds were used, what progress was made, and the status of resulting external applications for funds.

For preparation assistance contact Reagan Ribordy, Senior Grants Administrator, at 742-3667 or Reagan.Ribordy@ttu.edu

Proposal Guidelines

  1. Use the template below to provide information about personnel and identify at least one RFP that the supported work will allow you to apply for within the following year. RFPs for any sum will be acceptable, depending on the standards within the applicant's field.
  2. Funds must be transferred to Departmental accounts and spent within twelve months of receipt of funds.
  3. Submit proposals electronically to Gad Perry, Gad.Perry@ttu.edu
  4. Those seeking funds to defray costs to attend a scientific meeting should instead look at the travel grants detailed at International Travel Fund page.

Application Template

Submit electronically to Gad Perry (Gad.Perry@ttu.edu) by COB, 26 January 2018, together with the signatures of the Department Chair(s) or Center Director(s), and College Dean(s).

PI Name(s):
Academic rank(s):
Academic college(s) and department(s):
Country of interest:
Project title:
Project concept (up to 250 words):

Funds requested:

(Provide a detailed budget with breakdown of expenses. Acceptable expenses include, but not limited to, travel to visit team members, attendance at a grant writing workshop, visit with potential funding agency, hiring a grant writer, etc.)

RFP name, funding agency, deadline, and amount (attach a copy of the RFP, if possible):
Signatures of TTU collaborators:
Signature of supervisors (chair/director/dean):


Submit electronically to Gad Perry (Gad.Perry@ttu.edu) by 15 January 2019

Project title:
Collaborating entities:
How did you spend the funds you received from us (up to 100 words describing major expenses):
Progress made on proposal submission (Up to 250 words):