Texas Tech University

TTU – CATIE Research Exchange Program Application Guidelines

Proposal Guidelines

  1. All tenure and non-tenure track faculty and research professors from TTU and CATIE are eligible to participate in this call for proposals.
  2. Funding is available for faculty conducting basic research and engaged scholarship in CATIE's strategic areas of interest including: Livestock and Environmental Management, Agroforestry and Genetic Improvement of Coffee and Cacao, Forests and Biodiversity in Productive Landscapes, Agrobiodiversity and Food Security, Watersheds and Water and Soils Security, Climate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental Economics and Sustainable Agribusinesses (https://www.catie.ac.cr). Faculty are encouraged to consider projects which address the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. The proposals must aim to respect the principle of reciprocity regarding academic qualifications of those who will take part in the exchange activities.
  4. TTU researchers will submit a 2-page CV and the Expression of Interest by October 15, 2023. The EOI will be shared with CATIE to help facilitate a match between the TTU researcher and CATIE researcher. A joint proposal will be due on December 15, 2023, after a match is established.
  5. Proposals must clearly demonstrate interest within the proposed collaboration between TTU and CATIE including potential areas of research, expected research activities (including activities during/after the visits), rationale for the location(s), and how the location(s) will build research capacity for the PIs involved.
  6. Full applications are due December 15, and must include CVs from the TTU and CATIE researchers (five page maximum).
  7. Full applications must include a support letter from the TTU PI's department chair or center director endorsing how the proposed project will contribute to the department's research goals.
  8. The seed grant will provide travel-related expenses for a one-week exchange with TTU providing travel funds for the TTU PI and CATIE provided travel funds for the CATIE PI.
  9. The duration of the seed grant is 12 months. Funds must be transferred to departmental accounts and expended within twelve months of receipt of funds.
  10. Upon completion of the site visit, the PI must submit a report detailing the exchange and any progress made on establishing research collaboration. 
  11. TTU funds will be used to support airfare and per diem for the TTU researcher traveling to CATIE while CATIE will provide local accommodations and transportation. A reciprocal exchange is expected for CATIE faculty to travel to TTU with CATIE funds supporting airfare and per diem while TTU will provide local accommodations and transportation.