Texas Tech University


Abishkar Regmi

Abishkar Regmi, Ph.D. Student


Abishkar Regmi is Ph.D. student who recently graduated with his MS degree in Horticulture at Texas Tech. He will continue his Ph.D. research in the Urban and Sustainable Horticultural lab under Dr. Catherine Simpson. He completed his bachelor's degree in agricultural science from Campus of Live Sciences', Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Nepal. Currently he is working on multiple production systems factors to induce phytochemical content in ornamental plant production. His research interests focus on plant physiology, greenhouse production, hydroponic system, ornamental production along with spectrophotometric analyses. His goal is to work on different production systems and substrates that can alter the physiology of plants.


1.       Regmi, A. **, Singh, S, Moustaid-Moussa, N, Coldren, C, Simpson, C.^ The Negative Effects of High Rates of Biochar on Violas Can Be Counteracted with Fertilizer. Plants. 2022; 11(4):491. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11040491  


Regmi, A., Singh S., Coldren C., Moustaid-Moussa N., and Simpson C. Fertilization can reduce the stress of biochar. TNLA Lone Star Hort Forum, College Station, TX. January 10-12, 2022. 

Regmi, A., Moustaid-Moussa, N., Coldren, C., Singh, S., and Simpson, C. Effect of biochar rates on phytochemicals in Viola. American Society of Horticultural Sciences annual meeting. Denver, CO. August 5-9, 2021.

Regmi, A., Simpson, C. Effects of Biochar Rates on Productivity of Viola. American Society of Horticultural Sciences annual meeting, Virtual Conference. August 9-13, 2020.