Texas Tech University

Environmental Toxicology Graduate Academic Overview


The Department of Environmental Toxicology (ENTX) provides faculty and graduate students opportunities for multidisciplinary research and scholarly engagement related to environmental, forensic, and human health sciences.

The Environmental Toxicology faculty attract graduate students at both the master’s and doctoral level, with their backgrounds in biological sciences, medicine, epidemiology, biostatistics, engineering, chemistry, computer science, law, mathematics, pharmacology, physiology, and wildlife biology.

The Forensic Science faculty are committed to the production and dissemination of interdisciplinary forensic science research through a unique multidisciplinary program that provides outstanding education, research, and professional training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students at TTU and for local and regional law enforcement.

Our department offers a Ph.D. in Environmental Toxicology, M.S. in Environmental Toxicology, M.S. in Forensics Science, and two undergraduate minors (Environmental Toxicology and Forensic Sciences).