Texas Tech University

Greg Mayer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor • Graduate Advisor
Molecular Toxicology

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Ph.D. Molecular Biology, University of Kentucky  2001

B.S. Microbiology, University of Kentucky  1995

Lab News

Texas Tech University Department of Environmental Toxicology, Greg Mayer, Ph.D.

Research Interests:

Molecular Toxicology



ENTX 6300 Molecular Carcinogenesis


Texas Tech Faculty Since 2015

Greg Mayer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Toxicology and The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, at Texas Tech University. He received his undergraduate degree in Microbiology from the University of Kentucky, and his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Kentucky. His teaching and research interests include molecular toxicology and DNA repair processes, as well as the effects of metals and nanomaterials on fish.  Currently, his research group is focused on understanding how environmental stressors affect organisms in near-shore environments.

Selected Publications:

Song Tang, Vinay Allagadda, Hicham Chibli, Jay L. Nadeau, and Gregory D. Mayer. 2013. Comparison of cytotoxicity and expression of metal regulatory genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) liver cells exposed to cadmium sulfate, zinc sulfate and quantum dots.  Metallomics.  5:1411-1422.


Song Tang, Qingsong Cai, Hicham Chibli, Vinay Allagadda, Jay L. Nadeau, and Gregory D. Mayer. 2013.  Cadmium sulfate and CdTe-quantum dots alter DNA repair in zebrafish (Danio rerio) liver cells. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology.  272:443-452.


Notch, E.G., Mayer, G.D.  2013. Impact of environmental estrogens on nucleotide excision repair gene expression in embryonic zebrafish.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C.  157:361-365.


Thompson, E.D., Mayer, G.D., Glover, C., Capo, T., Walsh, P.J., and Hogstrand, C. 2012.  Zinc Hyperaccumulation in Squirrelfish (Holocentrus adscenscionis) and Its Role in Embryo

Viability. PLoS One 7(10): e46127.