Texas Tech University

Ron Kendall, Ph.D.

Professor • SETAC Fellow
Wildlife Toxicology

Email: ron.kendall@ttu.edu

Phone: 806-834-5543

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Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1980

M.S. Clemson University 1976

B.S. University of South Carolina 1974

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Texas Tech University Department of Environmental Toxicology, Ron Kendall, Ph.D.

Research Interests:

Ecotoxicology, Wildlife Toxicology and Risk Assessment


Texas Tech Faculty Since 1997

  • Founded the Wildlife Toxicology Laboratory, Texas Tech University, 2012-present
  • Founding Director, The Institute of Environmental and Human Health (TIEHH), Texas Tech University, 1997-2012
  • Founding Chair and Professor, Department of Environmental Toxicology, Texas Tech University  (Institute Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, Staff, Research Cooperators, Graduate Students – peaked at 200; 150,000 square feet Physical Plant and multi-million dollar annual budget)
  • Founding Director, The Institute of Wildlife and Environmental Toxicology (TIWET), Clemson University, 1989-1997
  • Founding Department Head, 1989-1995, and Professor, 1989-1997, Department of Environmental Toxicology, Clemson University
  • Founding Director, Institute of Wildlife Toxicology, and Professor of Environmental Toxicology, Huxley College of Environmental Studies, Western Washington University, 1980-1989
  • Past-President of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), and has served on its Board of Directors and Executive Committee, as well as being Vice-President, on the SETAC Foundation for Environmental Education Board of Directors, and was the Annual Review Editor and currently Terrestrial Toxicology Editor of the journal, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
  • Authored more than 429 refereed journal and technical articles, and published or edited multiple books including, Toxic Substances in the Environment, Wildlife Toxicology, Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modeling: Integrated Studies of Agroecosystems, Principles, Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife, A Probabilistic Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment of Atrazine in North American Surface Waters and Perchlorate Ecotoxicology, New Developments in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures
  • Made more than 200 public and scientific presentations in the field of wildlife and environmental toxicology
  • As Principal Investigator have received 159 research grants totaling more than $54 million dollars
  • Graduated and/or served as Major Professor for 55 students at the graduate level, including M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
  • Authored ten courses in environmental toxicology and wildlife toxicology
  • Appointed to the Chartered Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) at the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2019
  • Received SETAC Founders Award, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2021
  • Named SETAC Fellow, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2017
  • Received the Stephen J. Klaine Environmental Education Award, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2017
  • Finalist for the Texas Environmental Excellence Award, Individual category, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Governor Rick Perry, 2013
  • Received the Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Arts & Sciences, Texas Tech University, 2013, 2010, 2003
  • Received the Gerald H. Cross Alumni Leadership Award, Virginia Tech University, 2010
  • Received the President’s Book Award, “Advances in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures”, Texas Tech University, 2010
  • Received the Texas Environmental Excellence Award, Education category, as Director of The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Governor Rick Perry, 2009
  • "Award of Appreciation" from United States Environmental Protection Agency for service related to Chairmanship of the EPA Scientific Advisory Panel for implementation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, January 2004.  Served as Chairman, January 1999 to December 2002
  • Received the Alumni Research Award for outstanding faculty research at Clemson University, 1996
  • Addressed the United Nations Committee on Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York, 1996
  • Awarded a Fulbright Fellowship, 1991
  • Received the Paul J. and Ruth Olscamp Research Award, from Western Washington State University, 1987
  • Served as an environmental advisor to the United States Justice Department, Environmental Enforcement Section
  • National Board/Committee Appointments (representative past and present):
    • United States Environmental Protection Agency’s, Science Advisory Panel (Member 1995-December 2002. Chair January 1999 – December 2002
    • United States Environmental Protection Agency’s, Joint SAB/SAP Review on “Data from Testing of Human Subjects” served as Chairman, 1998-2000
    • United States Environmental Protection Agency’s, Science Advisory Board, Mercury Review Subcommittee, 1997
    • The National Academy of Sciences’, Ecological Risk Assessment Subcommittee, Committee on Risk Assessment Methodologies,  1990-1991
    • Certificate of Appreciation from the National Academies, Board of Environmental Studies and Toxicology for service on the Committee on Superfund Site Assessment and Remediation in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin, 2003-2005
    • The Endocrine Disruptors Screening and Testing Advisory Committee (EDSTAC) of the USEPA, 1996-1998
    • Board of Research Directors of the Canadian Network of Toxicology Centers for the Canadian Government, 1993-1999
  • Consulted with many foreign countries on environmental issues (e.g., Russia, Costa Rica, Canada, the Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, Portugal, Switzerland)
  • Graduated with honors from the University of South Carolina, and received his M.S. degree from Clemson University and his Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and received a United States Environmental Protection Agency post-doctoral traineeship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Selected Publications:


KENDALL, R.J., Presley, S.M., Ramkumar, S.S., editors. 2016. New Developments in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group. 185pp.

KENDALL, R.J., T.E. Lacher, G.P. Cobb, S.B. Cox, editors. 2010. Wildlife Toxicology: Emerging Contaminant and Biodiversity Issues. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, 321 pp.

KENDALL, R.J., S.M. Presley, G.P. Austin, and P.N. Smith, editors. 2008. Advances in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures. Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, 280 pp.

KENDALL, R.J. and P.N. Smith, editors.  2006.  Perchlorate Ecotoxicology. Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC) Press, 269 pp.

Giddings, J.M., T.A. Anderson, L.W. Hall, A.J. Hosmer, R.J.  KENDALL, R.P. Richards, K.R. Solomon, and W.M. Williams. 2005 Atrazine in North American Surface Waters: A probabilistic aquatic ecological risk assessment.  Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC) Press, Pensacola, FL., 400 pp.

Tollerud, D.J., H.L. Allen, L.W. Barnthouse, C.L. Brierley, E.H. Clark, II, T.W. Clarkson, E.A.C. Crouch, A. Cullen, J. Graziano, D.L. Johnson, R.J. KENDALL, J.C. Kissel, T.W. LaPoint, D.W. Layton, C.H. Ward, S. Wood, R. Wright. 2005. Superfund and mining megasites: Lessons from the Coeur D'Alene River Basin. National Research Council of the National Academies.  484 pp.

Solomon, K.R., Giesy, J.P., KENDALL, R.J., Best, L.B., Coats, J.R., Dixon, K.R., Hooper, J.M.,  Kenaga, E.E., McMurry, S.T. 2001 Chlorpyrifos: Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment for Birds and Mammals in Corn Agroecosystems. Special Issue Book: Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. CRC Press. 140 pp.

KENDALL, R.J., R L. Dickerson, J.P. Giesy, and W.A. Suk, editors.  1998. Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife.  Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC) Press, Pensacola, FL., 500 pp.

KENDALL, R.J. and T.E. Lacher, Jr., editors. 1994. Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modeling: Integrated Studies of Agroecosystems. CRC Press/Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Michigan. 576 pp.

KENDALL, R.J. 1991.  Las Substancia Toxicas En El Medio Ambiente, 3rd Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.  113 pp.

Buerger, T.T. and R.J. KENDALL, editors.  1991.  Wildlife Toxicology.  3rd edition.  The Institute of Wildlife and Environmental Toxicology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.  237 pp.

Buerger, T.T., R.J. KENDALL and M. Wolfe, editors.  1988.  Wildlife Toxicology.  2nd edition.  The Institute of Wildlife and Environmental Toxicology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.  269 pp.

KENDALL, R.J.  l983.  Toxic Substances in the Environment. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa. (A textbook on toxic chemicals written primarily for use as a classroom text for junior and senior high school students and also for continuing education of adults; prepared by the Toxic Substances Education Group, Western Washington University, where I served as Project Director working with undergraduate students in Environmental Education, Environmental Health and Scientific Illustration). 112 pp.

Refereed Publications

Henry, C., Leach, J., Kalyanasundaram, A., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2023. Molecular identification of insect intermediate hosts with potential parasite transmission to the definitive host northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Journal of Parasitology. 109)3):244-251.

Henry, B.J., Patel, D., Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2023. Validation of an LC-MS/MS method for assessment of fenbendazole sulfone drug residue in northern bobwhite liver. Biomedical Chromatography. Doi:10.1002/BMC.5637.

Ayodeji, O.J., Khyum, M.M.O., Afolabi, R.T., Smith, E., KENDALL, R.J., Ramkumar, S.S. 2022. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances. 7:100128.

Henry, B.J., Brym, M.Z., Henry, C., KENDALL, R.J. 2021. Supplemental feeding of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and dietary requirements: A review. Wildlife Research. Published online October 15, 2021.

Brym, M.Z., van Gestel, N., Henry, C., Henry, B.J., Lukashow-Moore, S.P., KENDALL, R.J. 2021. Evaluation of milkweed (Asclepias spp.) restoration in the Rolling Plains ecoregion of West Texas for the enhancement of monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) habitat. Journal for Nature Conservation. 64:126076.

Herzog, J.L., Lukashow-Moore, S.P., Brym, M.Z., Kalyanasundaram, A, KENDALL, R.J. 2021. A helminth survey of northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) and passerines in the 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Rolling Plains ecoregion of Texas. Journal of Parasitology. 107(1):132-137.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Henry, B.J., Henry, C., KENDALL, R.J. 2021. Molecular phylogenetic and in silico analysis of blyceraldeyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene from northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Molecular Biology Reports. 48:1093-1101.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Bastille, M.O., Lukashow-Moore, S. P., KENDALL, R.J. 2020. Avian and emerging human Oxyspirura species compared by morphology, pathogenicity, intermediate host, and sequence homology. Journal of Parasitology. 106(5):623-624.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Bastille, M.O., Lukashow-Moore, S.P., Kendall, R.J. 2020. Avian and emerging human Oxyspirura species compared by morphology, pathogenicity, intermediate hosts, and sequence homology. Journal of Parasitology. 106(5):623-624.

Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., Skinner, K., Blanchard, K.R., Henry, B.J., Hay, A.L., Herzog, J.L., Kalyanasundaram, A., Kendall, R.J. 2020. “Weight of evidence” as a tool for evaluating disease in wildlife: An example assessing parasitic infection in northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 13:27-37.

Brym, M.Z., Henry, C., Lukashow-Moore, S.P., Henry, B.J., van Gestel, N., Kendall R.J. 2020. Prevalence of monarch (Danaus plexippus) and queen (Danaus gilippus) butterflies in West Texas during the fall of 2018. BMC Ecology. 20:33.

Lou, L., Kendall, R.J., Ramkumar, S.S. 2020. Comparison of hydrophilic PVA/TiO2 and hydrophobic PVDF/TiO2 microfibers webs on the dye pollutant photo-catalyzation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 8:103914.

Lou, L., Yu, W., Kendall, R.J., Smith, E., Ramkumar, S.R. 2020. Tensile testing and fracture mechanism analysis of polyvinyl alcohol nanofibrous webs. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 137:e:49213.

Henry, C., Kalyanasundaram, A., Brym, M.Z., Kendall, R.J. 2020. Molecular identification of Oxyspirura petrowi intermediate hosts by nested PCR using internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1). Journal of Parasitology. 106(1):46-52.

Lou, L., Kendall, R.J., Smith, E.E., Ramkumar, S.S. 2020. Functional PVDR/rGO/TiO nanofiber webs for the removal of oil from water. Polymer. 186:122028.

Lou, L., Subbiah, S., Smith, E.E., Kendall, R.J., Ramkumar, S.S. 2019. Functional PVA/VB2/TiO2 nanofiber webs for controlled drug delivery. ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2:5916-5929.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Brym, M.Z., Blanchard, K.R., Henry, C., Skinner, K., Henry, B.J., Herzog, J., Hay, A., Kendall, R.J. 2019. Life-cycle of Oxyspirura petrowi (Spirurida: Thelaziidae), an eyeworm of the northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Parasites & Vectors. 12:555.

Blanchard, K.R., Kalyanasundaram, A., Henry, C., Commons, K.A. Brym, M.Z., Skinner, K., Surles, J.G., Kendall, R.J. 2019. Identification of eyeworm (Oxyspirura petrowi) and caecal worm (Aulonocephalus pennula) infection levels in northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) of the Rolling Plains, TX using a mobile research laboratory: Implications for regional surveillance. Biomolecular Detection and Quantification. Vol. 17.

Brym, M.R., Henry, C., KENDALL, R.J. 2019. Greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) predation on juvenile quail in the Rolling Plains ecoregion of Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist. 63(3):204-206.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Blanchard, K.R., Henry, B.J., Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2019. Quantitative analysis of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) cytokines and TLR expression to eyeworm (Oxyspirura petrowi) and caecal worm (Aulonocephalus pennula) glycoproteins. Parasitology Research. Published online 08.15.19.

Commons, K.A., Blanchard, K.R., Brym, M.Z., Henry, C., Kalyanasundaram, A., Skinner, K., KENDALL, R.J. 2019. Monitoring northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations in the Rolling Plains of Texas: Parasitic infection implications. Rangeland Ecology & Management. Published online June 8, 2019.

Blanchard, K.R., Kalyanasundaram, A., Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., Surles, J.G., KENDALL, R.J. 2019. Predicting seasonal infection of eyeworm (Oxyspirura petrowi) and caecal worm (Aulonocephalus pennula) in northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) of the Rolling Plains Ecoregion of Texas, USA. International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 8:50-55.

Brym, M., Henry, C., KENDALL, R.J. 2019. Potential significance of fall breeding of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexxipus) in the Rolling Plains ecoregion of West Texas. Texas Journal of Science. 79(1): General Note 4.

Brym, M.Z., Henry, C., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. Are helminths contributing to the population fluctuations of northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) from the Rolling Plains ecoregion of West Texas? Multidisciplinary Advances in Veterinary Science. 2(5):406-412.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. Molecular identification of Physaloptera sp. from wild northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in the Rolling Plains ecoregion of Texas. Parasitology Research. 117(9):2963-2969.

Blanchard, K.R., Kalyanasundaram, A., Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. Regional surveillance of parasitic infections in wild northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) utilizing a mobile research laboratory platform. Parasitology Open. 4:e14.

Pappas, S.A., Kumar, N., Turaga, U., Ramkumar, S., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. The influence of soil pH on the uptake of silver nanoparticles in a terrestrial system. Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology. 8:1.

Brym, M.Z., Henry, C., KENDALL, R.J.2018. Elevated parasite burdens as a potential mechanism affecting northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) population dynamics in the Rolling Plains of West Texas. Parasitology Research. 117:1683-1688.

Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., Kalyanasundaram, A., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. Molecular identification of potential intermediate hosts of Aulonocephalus pennula from the order Orthoptera. Journal of Helminthology. 13:1-6.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Blanchard, K.R., Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. Phylogenetic analysis of eyeworm (Oxyspirura petrowi) in Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) based on the nuclear 18S rDNA and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (COX1). Parasitology Open. 4: e7,1-7.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Blanchard, K.R., Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. Development of a multiplex quantitative PCR assay for eyeworm (Oxyspirura petrowi) and caecal worm (Aulonocephalus pennula) detection in Northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) of the Rolling Plains ecoregion, Texas. Veterinary Parasitology. 253:65-70.

Brym, M.Z., Henry. C., KENDALL, R.J. 2018. Potential parasite induced host mortality in Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) from the Rolling Plains ecoregion of West Texas. Archives of Parasitology. 2:1.

Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Oxyspirura petrowi and Aulonocephalus pennula infection in wild Northern bobwhite quail in the Rolling Plains ecoregion, Texas: Evidence of a possible die-off. Archives of Parasitology. 1:109.

Henry, C., Brym, M.Z., Blanchard, K.R., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Helminth infection and Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Archives of Parasitology. 1(2):e102.

Kalyanasundaram, A., Blanchard, K.B., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Molecular identification and characterization of partial COX1 gene from caecal worm (Aulonocephalus pennula) in Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) from the Rolling Plains ecoregion of Texas. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 6:195-201.

Pappas, S.A., Turaga, U., Kumar, N., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Blood cholinesterase activity in Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) quail in the Rolling Plains Ecoregion of Texas and Oklahoma, USA. Austin Journal of Environmental Toxicology. 3:1.

Pappas, S.A., Turaga, U., Kumar, N., Ramkumar, S., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Effect of concentration of silver nanoparticles on the uptake of silver from silver nanoparticles in soil. International Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Research. 3(5):80-90.

Pappas, S.A., Turaga, U., Kumar, N., Ramkumar, S., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. The influence of soil organic matter on the uptake of silver nanoparticles in a terrestrial system. International Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Research. 3(4):52-60.

Pappas, S.A., Turaga, U., Kumar, N., Ramkumar, S., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Uptake of silver from polyvinylpyrrolidine coated silver nanoparticles in a terrestrial system. International Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Research. 3(3):104-114.

Pappas, S.A., Turaga, U., Kumar, N., Ramkumar, S., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. The influence of vermiculite on the uptake of silver nanoparticles in a terrestrial system. International Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Research. 3(3):56-64.

Singh, V., Sawhney, P., Reynolds, M., Condon, B., Kendall Jr., R.J., Kitten, L., Jain, A., Parameswaran, S., KENDALL, R.J., Ramkumar, S. 2017. Effect of micronaire on oil sorption capacity of three different types of greige cotton-based nonwoven substrates. AAATCC Journal of Research. 4:2.

Dunham, N.R., Peper, S.T., Downing, C.D., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Aflatoxin contamination in corn sold for wildlife feed in Texas. Ecotoxicology. 26(4):516-520.

Dunham, N.R., Henry, C., Brym, M., Rollins, D., Helman, R.G., KENDALL, R.J. 2017. Caecal worm, Aulonocephalus pennula, infection in the northern bobwhite quail, Colinus virginianus. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 6:35-38.

Kistler, W.M., Parlos, J.A., Peper, S.T., Dunham, N.R., KENDALL, R.J. 2016. A quantitative PCR protocol for detection of Oxyspirura petrowi in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). PLoS One. 11(11):e0166309.

Turaga, U., Singh, V., Gibson, A., Maharubin, S., Korzeniewski, C., Presley, S., Smith, E.E., KENDALL, R.J., Ramkumar, S. 2016. Preparation and characterization of bioactive and breathable polyvinyl alcohol nanowebs using a combinational approach. TAPPI Journal (Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry). 15 (10).

Dunham, N.R., Reed, S., Rollins, D., KENDALL, R.J. 2016. Oxyspirura petrowi infection leads to pathological consequences in northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 5:273-276.

Dunham, N.R., Peper, S.T., Downing, C., Brake, E., Rollins, D., KENDALL, R.J. 2016. Infections levels of the eyeworm Oxyspirura petrowi and caecal worm Aulonocephalus pennula in the northern bobwhite and scaled quail from the Rolling Plains of Texas. Journal of Helminthology. 91(5):569-577.

Dunham, N.R. and KENDALL, R.J. 2016. Eyeworm infections of Oxyspirura petrowi, Skrjabin, 1929 (Spirurida: Thelaziidae), in species of quail from Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, USA. Journal of Helminthology. 91(4):491-496.

Kistler, W.M., Hock, S., Hernout, B., Brake, E., Williams, N., Downing, C., Dunham, N.R., Kumar, N., Turaga, U., KENDALL, R.J. 2016. Plains lubber grasshopper (Brachystola magna) as a potential intermediate host for Oxyspirura petrowi in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). Parasitology Open. 2(e7):1-8.

Turaga, U., Singh, V., Gibson, A., Maharubin, S., Korzeniewski, C., Presley, S., Smith, E., KENDALL, R.J., Ramkumar, S. 2016. Functionalized antimicrobial electrospun poly (vinyl alcohol) nanowebs. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. 11(2).

Dunham, N.R., Bruno, A., Almas, S., Rollins, D., Fedynich, A.M., Presley, S.M., KENDALL, R.J. 2016. Eyeworms (Oxyspirura petrowi) in Northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) from the Rolling Plains Ecoregion of Texas and Oklahoma, 2011-2013. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 52(3):562-567.

Kendall, R.J. 2016. Wildlife toxicology: Where we have been and where we are going. Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology. 6:348.

Turaga, U., Peper, S.T., Dunham, N.D., Kumar, N., Kistler, W., Almas, S., Presley, S.M., KENDALL, R.J. 2016. A survey of neonicotinoid use and potential exposure to Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and Scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) in the Rolling Plains of Texas and Oklahoma. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  35(6):1511-1515.

Turaga, U., Singh, V., Gibson, A., Maharubin, S., Korzeniewski, C., Presley, S.M., Smith, E.E., KENDALL, R.J., Ramkumar, S.S. 2016. Preparation and characterization of honey-treated PVA nanowebs. AATCC Journal of Research. 3(3):25-31.

Dunham, N.R., Soliz, L.A., Brightman, A., Rollins, D., Fedynich, A.M., KENDALL, R.J. 2015. Live eyeworm (Oxyspirura petrowi) extraction, in-vitro culture, and transfer for experimental studies. Journal of Parasitology. 101(1):98-101.

Baxter, C.E., Pappas, S., Abel, M., KENDALL, R.J. 2015. Organochlorine pesticides, lead, and mercury in Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) from the Rolling Plains ecoregion of Texas and Oklahoma. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  34(7):1505-1510.

Dunham, N.R., Peper, S.T., Baxter, C.E., Huddleston, J.E., KENDALL, R.J. 2014. The parasitic eyeworm Oxyspirura petrowi as a possible cause of decline in the threatened Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) found in Kansas. PLoS One. 9:9.

Singh, V., Jinka, S., Hake, K., Parameswaran, S., KENDALL, R.J., Ramkumar, S.S. 2014. Novel natural sorbent for oil spill clean-up. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 53:11954-11961.

Turaga, U., Singh, V., Behrens, R., Korzeniewski, C., Jinka, S., Smith, E.E., KENDALL, R.J., Ramkumar, S.S. 2014. Breathability of standalone polyvinyl alcohol nanofiber webs. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 53:6951-6958.

Dunham, N.R. and KENDALL, R.J. 2014. Evidence of Oxyspirura petrowi in migratory songbirds found in the Rolling Plains of West Texas. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 50:711-712.

Dunham, N.R., Soliz, L.A., Fedynich, A.M., Rollins, D., KENDALL, R.J. 2014. Evidence of an Oxyspirura petrowi epizootic in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 50:552-558.

Chambers, J.E., Greim, H., KENDALL, R.J., Segner, H., Sharpe, R.M., Van der Kraak, G.  2014. Human and ecological risk assessment of a crop protection chemical: a case study with the azole fungicide epoxiconazole.  Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 44(2):176-210.