Texas Tech University

Kevin Grier

Gordon Tullock Professor of Political Economy

Dr. Kevin Grier, Gordon Tullock Professor of Political Economy

Kevin Grier is the Gordon Tullock Professor of Political Economy at the Free Market Institute and a professor of political science in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Kevin's research and teaching interests include economic development, quantitative methods in the social sciences, public choice, and political economy of institutions. He has authored more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals including The Journal of Finance, American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Development Economics and The Journal of Law and Economics. He is a past co-editor of Southern Economic Journal.

Kevin earned his Ph.D. in economics from Washington University in St. Louis. He was an assistant, then associate professor of economics at George Mason University and an affiliate of the Center for Study of Public Choice. He has also taught economics at Tulane University and the Center for Research and Teaching of Economics (CIDE) in Mexico City. He’s been a visiting professor of political science at California Institute of Technology (CalTech) and Duke University.

Before joining Texas Tech in September 2017, Kevin served as President’s Associates Presidential Professor of Economics at University of Oklahoma. At Texas Tech, he teaches an undergraduate course in Public Choice and graduate courses in Political Economy of Institutions and Causal Inference and Quasi-Experimental Methods.

For more information about Prof. Grier, please visit www.kevinbgrier.com, or his Google Scholar and Social Science Research Network (SSRN) pages: Kevin B. Grier (Google Scholar) and Kevin B. Grier (SSRN).


Email: kevin.grier@ttu.edu
Phone: (806) 834-8968
Offices: Administration 169C
Holden Hall 230

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