Texas Tech University

Today's Life Skills Bundle (Print & Digital)- Curriculum

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TLS is an evidence-based curriculum developed by The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences at Texas Tech University. Over 1500 students and 525 adults were surveyed on topics related to future expectations and life skills for work and family. The research findings suggested that both adults and students see a need for further development in all life skill categories. In response to these findings, The Curriculum Center developed the Today's Life Skills curriculum to supplement educational programs across the nation and it is now available for $75.

Each Module Contains:

  • Guided lessons, written for the teacher, providing a comprehensive view of each topic
  • Lessons for grades 7 & 8, 9 & 10, and 11 & 12
  • Learning activities and answers
  • POWER Teaching Tools
  • Web resources, including a CD with updates and PowerPoints®

Lesson Units cover the following life skills:

  • Unit 1 Personal Development Skills: Personal development skills contribute to the growth of an individual's ability to function personally and in relationships with others.
  • Unit 2 Health and Wellness Skills: Health and wellness contribute greatly to an individual's ability to function successfully in work and family life.
  • Unit 3 Citizenship Skills: Citizenship involves responsible participation in the community, nation, and world.
  • Unit 4 Communication Skills: Effective group functioning at home and at work depends on effective communication skills, .e.g., verbal and nonverbal communication; leadership; and conflict resolution.
  • Unit 5 Consumer Skills: Keen consumer skills are necessary in a rapidly changing, highly technological society, e.g., personal checking accounts; budgeting/purchasing; financial planning; and managing credit.
  • Unit 6 Employability Skills: Equipping students for the future includes preparing them for employment.
  • Unit 7 Parenting and Child Care Skills: While some students have realistic expectations and positive role models for parenting, many students lack such role models. As such, there is a diverse need for parenting skills.
  • Unit 8 Balancing Work and Family Skills: The growing number of working women, dual-career families, and single parents has intensified the need for skills to manage work and family responsibilities.

Contact us at 806-742-3029 or ccfcs@ttu.edu if you have any questions!

Purchase Today's Life Skills