Center for Early Head Start
TTU Center for Early Head Start (CEHS) provides interdisciplinary research opportunities for faculty and graduate students in fields such as child development, poverty and risk, nutrition, family financial planning, classroom and playground design, and adult-child interactions. Previous researchers have come to CEHS to study the eating habits of young children, parent views of early education, and parent preferences in playground design.
All proposals for programs and research are screened closely by the Early Childhood Education Program Director, the Director of the Center for Early Head Start, and Human Development and Family Studies faculty. No research is ever initiated which could be detrimental to a child's involvement in the program or his/her own psychological well-being. Research studies of children are primarily observational or are based on children's normal play activities. They do not manipulate children's behavior in any way. Upon enrollment, parents must generally consent to observational study and research. Parents are informed and permission is obtained for any new research project that is not purely observational. Research involving parents may consist of surveys, interviews, and focus groups and will require parental consent.
Contact Information
Any inquiries regarding conducting research and application materials should be directed
to the HDFS Early Childhood Education Program Director:
Stephanie Shine
All general inquiries can be directed to the TTU CEHS Director:
Denise Stovall
Center for Early Head Start
3315 East Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79403 -
806.765.2737 -