Texas Tech University

IT Help Central

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Photos courtesy ITHC staff O'Jay Barbee

Today's hours

Phone, Email, and Chat Support: 7:30am - 12:00am

View our full schedule to see hours for Walk-up Services, RHS, and CTS.


TTUnet VPN upgrade to support security keys for MFA – May 15, 2024, 7:30 AM–7:45 AM
The Enterprise IT Security team will upgrade the TTUnet VPN service on May 15, 2024, from 7:30 AM to 7:45 AM to allow security keys to be used with multifactor authentication (MFA). Some users may notice a slight change in how the sign-in process works.  More… »

Update on Microsoft Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams transition
Texas Tech is continuing with the transition from Skype for Business (SfB) to Microsoft Teams, after which SfB will be discontinued and Teams will provide all the functionality currently provided by Teams and SfB. Some devices may require replacement. We recommend using Teams side-by-side with SfB so you are comfortable with the application when phone calls begin ringing in Teams next year.  More… »

Announcements archive »

TIP: For a listing of current and planned system downtime, please sign in to askIT at www.askit.ttu.edu.