Texas Tech University

Eric Greenlee, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Human Factors Program Coordinator
Experimental (Human Factors)

Email: eric.greenlee@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-3806

Office: 319, Lab: B10

Dr. Greenlee will be reviewing applications for the incoming 2025-2026 class.
Dr. Eric Greenlee

Research Interests

I conduct research using neurological and physiological measures to gain additional understanding about how people are affected by challenging, attention-demanding tasks. I am especially interested in tasks that require extreme vigilance, or sustained attentional focus, such as air traffic control, cyber network defense, and driving. My lab's applied neuroscience approach provides objective estimates of task-related stress, workload, and fatigue, which can be used in concert with subjective and performance measures to assess and improve the mental state and performance of individuals and teams as they are actively engaged in various real-world tasks.