Degree Programs
B.A. Psychology
The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology is designed to provide a core of knowledge of the subject matter in experimental, theoretical, and applied psychology. Sufficient curricular flexibility is provided to permit students to emphasize the acquisition of useful vocational and personal skills for later life and to prepare students for a graduate degree programs in psychology, related fields, or both.
B.S. Psychological Sciences
A Bachelor of Science degree in Psychological Sciences focuses on using the scientific method to answer questions about human behavior and interaction, refining critical and analytical thinking skills, and preparing students for a variety of STEM-related careers including professional research, data analysis, and health-related fields.
B.A. Psychology + Accelerated M.A. Human Factors
The accelerated Bachelor's to Master's degree program in human factors psychology is designed to train human factors professionals for positions in industry and government where well-trained master's level human factors psychologists are highly sought.
The program allows outstanding students to accelerate their undergraduate degree program, begin graduate work in the fourth year, and finish both the bachelor's and the master's degree in a total of about five years. Students interested in this program should consult with a faculty member in the Human Factors Psychology Program before their third year and as early as possible to discuss admissions, applications, expectations, etc.
Minor in Psychology
Students majoring outside the Department of Psychological Sciences may declare a minor in Psychology. It is not necessary to meet with a departmental advisor to declare the minor; a pre-filled minor form is available below.
Students with majors offered by the College of Arts & Sciences may declare the Psychology minor by sending the completed minor form to Students with majors offered by other colleges should consult their major advisor about the process for declaring a minor in their college.
Video Guides
- Degree Requirements
- Communication Literacy
- Writing Intensive Requirements
- Research Methods
- Foreign Language
Academic Integrity
The Department of Psychological Sciences is dedicated to a learning environment characterized by a creative commitment to psychological science, one free from academic dishonesty. In an effort to help students better understand this issue, the Office of Student Conduct provides information on academic integrity, including discussions and clarifications of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, proper citations of sources, how to paraphrase, various forms of “cheating”, how to avoid inadvertent errors in these areas, and the consequences of academic dishonesty.
Psychological Sciences
Texas Tech University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Box 42051 Lubbock, TX 79409-2051 -