Sub-recipient Agreements (Subcontracts and Professional Services Agreements)
ORS is responsible for preparing and executing all sub-recipient agreements on sponsored projects. When a project involves assistance external to Texas Tech, the sponsor must be informed. A sponsor is usually notified at the proposal stage of a project. It is the responsibility of the PI/PD to inform ORS at the earliest stage of negotiation with the sub recipient. No binding agreement can be made with any sub recipient on a sponsored project unless the agreement is signed by someone authorized to sign on behalf of Texas Tech. Sub recipients who complete tasks without having a fully executed agreement may not be paid, or, at best, will have their payment significantly delayed.
Research Service Provider Agreements (RSPA), formerly known as Professional Service Agreements (PSA), are handled through Procurement Services.
Have questions about a step in this process? Find your Pre-Award and Post-Award contacts.
Office of Research Services
Texas Tech University, 2625 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3884 -