Texas Tech University

29th Annual Conference on the Advancement of Women

Women and Global Change:Achieving Peace Through Empowering Women - Part II

The Women's & Gender Studies at Texas Tech University proudly announces the 29th Annual Conference on the Advancement of Women, which will take place on the campus of Texas Tech University, April 4-5, 2013.

 Pre-conference Event

Girl Rising is a groundbreaking film, directed by Academy Award nominee Richard Robbins, which tells the stories of 9 extraordinary girls from 9 countries, written by 9 celebrated writers and narrated by 9 renowned actresses. Girl Rising showcases the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world.

girl rising

Conference Schedule & Program

Guest Speakers

yifat susskind

Yifat Susskind, the executive director of MADRE, an international women's human rights organization. She works with women's human rights activists from Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa to create programs in their communities to address women's health, violence against women, economic and environmental justice, and peace building. She has also written extensively on US foreign policy and women's human rights and her critical analysis has appeared in online and print publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy in Focus and The W Effect: Bush's War on Women, published by the Feminist Press. Ms. Susskind has been featured as a commentator on CNN, National Public Radio, and BBC Radio. Visit MADRE's YouTube channel

yanar mohammed

Yanar Mohammed, co-founder and President of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI). Since it's inception in 2003, the organization has campaigned for women's political, civic and human rights in Iraq. One of it's operations is running secret women's shelters in Baghdad. These safehouses provide accommodation and support to women who have been forced to flee dangerous living situations, including domestic abuse and honor killings. Yanar is one of the foremost activists for women's rights in Iraq. Her work, like many other human rights activists in the country, has been undertaken at great personal risk. Yanar's courageous work merited her the Gruber Foundation's Women's Rights Prize in 2008. She is the editor of the newspaper Al-Mousawat (“Equality”). Q&A with Yanar Mohammed - Fighting for Gender Equality in Iraq Yanar Mohammed says the U.S. invasion and occupation hurt women's rights, by Rebecca Burns.

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