Texas Tech University




Kourtney Rodriguez

Academic Advisor
McClellan Hall
Kourtney Rodriguez

Kourtney Rodriguez is the newest advisor to the Honors College advising team! Prior to joining Honors, Kourtney worked as a Senior Academic Advisor in the College of Human Sciences for six years. She also facilitated a first-year introductory course and served as an advisor for a student organization. Kourtney is an active member of Texas Tech Staff Senate and the Staff Senate Diversity Commitee. She is also involved in Mentor Tech by serving as a mentor to students. Within the Honors College Kourtney works with their VIP student program. 

Kourtney graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Human Sciences from Texas Tech University. She is now pursuing her Master of Science in Human Sciences, also at Texas Tech, and studying to become a certified Life Coach with an emphasis in addiction. In her free time, she loves to read and spend time with family and friends. Kourtney has two amazing sons and a beautiful granddaughter. Together, they travel, explore new places to eat, and watch movies.

Kourtney's advising philosophy is to empower each student, while helping them navigate the world of higher education, by giving them the tools needed to be the most successful version of themselves.