Texas Tech University



Please note the application to apply to either of these Honors seminars is 11:59 PM on Sunday, March 24, 2024.





Six hours only of substitutions permitted per student; Students may not substitute for Honors Seminar or Summit Experience coursework.






The Honors College emphasizes the transformative value of studying abroad and offers a waiver of 3 upper-level Honors course credits upon successful completion of a Study Abroad Waiver in conjunction with a study abroad program. This allows students to earn a waiver for up to 3 hours of Honors non-seminar credit for a summer session, fall, or spring semester abroad. Those studying abroad for two separate semesters (full summer, fall, or spring) may earn a waiver for up to 6 hours of Honors non-seminar credit. Honors seminars are excluded from this waiver. The Study Abroad Waiver incorporates both an online journal and an academic reflective essay, connecting student experiences abroad to a prescribed book read before departure. This reflective component aims to enrich the experiential learning process. Note that students are not permitted to complete a Study Abroad Waiver for Honors credit during their final semester before graduation. For further details, please contact Kelsey Kimzey.






Honors Contracting enables Honors students to earn Honors credit for a non-Honors course by fulfilling additional requirements beyond the standard course curriculum. Eligible courses include 3000 and 4000-level face-to-face courses, as well as graduate and cross-listed courses. Contracting is not available during a student's final semester before graduation. For more information, please reach out to For more information, please reach out to Kelsey Kimzey.





Honors College Advisors have developed "degree tracking sheets" to assist you in efficiently planning your Honors courses. These sheets serve as comprehensive roadmaps for navigating your Honors coursework, offering suggested course options for successful completion.