Texas Tech University

Rules of the School of Law

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Rules of the School of Law


Honor Code and Rules of the School of Law

Date Approved and/or Revised

March 13, 2013, March 28, 2018, June 16, 2020


Rules and Reservation of Rights. Students are expected to know and follow the rules of the School of Law. In instances where the School of Law has not provided a rule, the rules of Texas Tech University, as they appear in the Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog and Code of Student Conduct, will be followed. A student may appeal the application of specific rules to the Office of the Dean of the School of Law. The Dean's office will either render a decision or refer the appeal to the faculty of the law school or the proper authority for decision.

Law student conduct is governed by two codes: The Law School's Honor Code, and Texas Tech University's Code of Student Conduct. These codes can be found on the Law School and University websites. Law students are held to standards different from those of other students at the University because they intend to enter a profession that has its own stated expectations of character and ethical behavior. These higher standards are reflected in the Law School's Honor Code and in the Law School's policy establishing potential heightened outcomes for law students in the University's conduct code proceedings and potential secondary outcomes for law students in Law School proceedings following University conduct code proceedings. That policy is also found on the Law School's website.

The law faculty does not assure any student that it will offer a combination of courses or a sequence of courses that will enable a student to qualify for the law degree other than the normal program of study in three consecutive academic years of two semesters each.

The School of Law reserves the right to modify the requirements for admission or graduation; to change the arrangement or content of courses, the instructional materials used, tuition and other fees; to alter any regulation affecting the student body; to refuse admission or readmission to any student at any time; or to dismiss any student at any time, should it be in the interest of the law school.

Contact Information and Messages. Each student should check his or her university e mail account and message box daily. The law school also uses TechLawAnnounce as a means to notify students of policies and procedures. Students must report their permanent address, local address, and telephone numbers to the law school and notify the law school of any changes. The law school and university use these means to communicate official notices, and each student will be responsible for complying with any notices and requirements sent by any of these means.
