General Degree Information
Core Curriculum Requirements
The Core Curriculum Requirements ensure breadth in each academic program. These requirements have been incorporated into the college's various degree programs. Students have no need to refer to the Core Curriculum requirements unless so directed by their specific degree program.
Course Load
A normal full-time course load is 12-19 hours per semester. In calculating the course load, the dean will consider all active correspondence courses as a part of the course load. Course loads in excess of 19 semester hours require approval by the Associate Dean in the Student Division of the College of Arts and Sciences. The Maximum course load for a student on probation is 16 hours. The normal course load for a single summer term is 6-8 hours. To meet graduation requirements, a graduating senior may petition to take 9 hour one term or a total of 15 hours in both terms.
Catalog Selection
Students will use the catalog issued for the year in which they were first officially admitted to the College of Arts and Sciences, or a more recent catalog if approved. However, if they later transfer to another institution or another college at Texas Tech, they will use the catalog in effect when they are readmitted to the College of Arts and Sciences. For these purposed, a catalog expires after seven years at which time the current catalog becomes the catalog in effect.
Credit by Examination.
A matriculated student may attempt credit by examination by obtaining written approval form the academic dean's office.
Grades of D
Credits for a course in which a grade of D is earned may not be applied toward fulfillment of the major (sometimes including adjunct requirements), minor, or teaching field requirements for any degree program.
Grading Practices
The College of Arts and Sciences conforms to University grading practices as set forth in the major section entitled "Academic Regulation" in the university catalog. In addition, the following regulations apply with the college. Except for those courses designated "may be repeated for credit" in the catalog, no course may be used more than once on a degree plan unless it has been approved by the Associate Dean in the Student Division of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Second Bachelor's Degree
No second bachelor's degree in conferred until the candidate has completed at least 30 semester hours in residence in addition to the courses counted toward the first bachelor's degree. Credit by examination and correspondence courses will not satisfy the 24-hour residence requirement.
Freshman Year
Entering freshmen develop their programs in conference with an academic advisor. The students report to their advisors for such individual conferences or group meeting as are needed for the purpose of orienting themselves to academic regulations and procedures, curricula, and degree requirements in their various areas of interest. Students are urged to take required freshman courses during the freshman year. During the sophomore year the student should complete the second year of English and all other freshman requirements. Normally, Core Curriculum Requirements should be completed by the end of the sophomore year. Freshmen should not enroll in junior-senior level courses.
Admission of Transfer Students
Student transferring form another academic institution must meet the university-wide admission requirements stated in the catalog. Students requesting permission to transfer form another college at Texas Tech must have an adjusted cumulative GPA of at least 2.00. In addition, they must provide the Student Division office (Holden Hall 102) with a transcript of all academic work. Approval will be granted at the Student Division office. The College of Arts and Sciences will determine the applicability of any transferred credit to academic programs in the college. The last 30 hours prior to graduation must be completed while enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Arts and Sciences Undeclared
Freshmen or sophomores may be admitted to a general area know as "Arts and Sciences Undeclared" (ASUD) until they select the major degree program in which they intend to graduate. The College of Arts and Sciences offers a broad area of education that includes the social sciences, arts, and humanities, as well as the natural sciences and mathematics. Arts and Sciences Undeclared is only a temporary administrative designation where student cannot earn a degree. Students in the College of Arts and Sciences are urged to focus on fulfilling general degree requirements during their first two years. This alleviates the pressure to make an immediate decision on a major and career. Student can use their first two years to build a strong academic foundation. At the same time, students can investigate career alternatives and take elective courses in those professional fields or subject areas that are possible majors. Students listed as ASUD are advised by academic counselors in the University Transition Advisement Center in 79 Holden Hall to help with the selection of general degree requirements, electives, and choosing a major. After taking courses that are required for most majors (for example, English, American history, political science, and mathematics), the student has the flexibility to begin working toward any of the major fields offered within the College of Arts and Sciences. ONLY STUDENTS WITH FEWER THAN 60 HOURS MAY BE LISTED AS ARTS AND SCIENCES UNDECLARED. Students who have completed 60 or more hours will have a hold place on their records until a major is declared.
Degree Plan and Intention to Graduate
Students are encouraged to file degree plans with the dean's office as soon as their academic goals are clearly defined. Students must file degree plan upon completing 45 hours of course work and no later than the semester prior the intended semester of graduation. The Intention to Graduate form must be filed one year before the intended date of graduation.
Teacher Education
The Curricula of most of the Bachelor of Arts degree programs and some of the Bachelor of Science programs are sufficiently flexible to permit a student to major in an academic subject, yet meet the requirements for certification by taking the required courses in the College of Education. Prospective teachers should refer to the section of the University Catalog describing teacher education and consult the College of Education and the chairperson or undergraduate advisor of the department in which they wish to major.
College of Arts & Sciences
Texas Tech University, Box 41034, Lubbock, TX 79409-1034 -
806.742.3831 -