Graduation Information
It is time to begin making plans for your graduation from Texas Tech at the end of fall. I hope that you and your family and friends plan to attend the Commencement ceremony at 2:00p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2024, in the United Supermarkets Arena.
You must register for the ceremony if you wish to be recognized. You should have received an email from the TTU Commencement Committee with instructions on how to register. The deadline to register is November 15th. Please plan to arrive one hour prior to your ceremony. Please note: the clear bag policy will be in effect for all graduates and guests.
You may pick up your diploma at the graduation reception outside 104 Holden Hall immediately following the commencement ceremony until 6:00pm. You may also pick up your diploma in the Deans Office (102 Holden Hall) from December 16th – 23rd and January 2nd – 14th. All December Diplomas not picked up will be mailed out by the end of February. You will receive a separate email with diploma mailing information.
Per University policy, a diploma cannot be issued to a student who has any financial obligation to the University. Returned/unclaimed diplomas will be kept for one year. After that time, you will need to order a reissued diploma for $50 plus shipping and handling through the Office of the Registrar.
For detailed information on the commencement ceremony, please visit this web site.
Again, congratulations on your achievements thus far, and I wish you the best in all your future activities.
Tosha Dupras, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
For more information about Commencement visit the
Provost's Office Commencement web site
Future Commencement Schedules
Future commencement dates subject to change
Caps & Gowns
Invitation Information
College of Arts & Sciences
Texas Tech University, Box 41034, Lubbock, TX 79409-1034 -
806.742.3831 -