Recruiting & Engagement
Exceptional talent can be found all throughout Raiderland! Find students with perspectives that will aid in your company's success.
Our career fairs provides the opportunity for you to meet and speak with our talented students from all majors and programs. This is a chance for you to network with students, alumni, and fellow professionals all while promoting your company. Details about upcoming career fairs can be found on the Employer Event Calendar.
Annual Career Fairs:
Hire Red Raiders Job Fair- All Majors | Davis CASNR Career Fair | Graduate & Professional School Fair |
Summer Camp Job Fair | Whitacre College of Engineering Job Fair | Teacher Job Fair |
Non-Profit Job Fair | Rawls College of Business Career Fair | College of Media & Communications Career Fair |
University Career Center's online job board provides employers the opportunity to engage with Texas Tech University students and alumni. Whether you need an employee for an internship, a part-time, or full-time position, let Hire Red Raiders do the work for you!
- Post job & internship listings
- Register for career fairs
- Set up an infosession
Parker Dewey: Micro-Internships
Texas Tech University is excited to provide employers across Texas with opportunities to engage highly-motivated students on short-term, professional assignments. Not only is this a great way to complement your campus recruiting and sourcing strategies, it also allows you to demonstrate support for the students across state.
What are Micro-Internships? Micro-Internships are short-term, professional assignments that are similar to those given to recent college grads or interns.
- Typically require 10-40 hours of work by the college student
- Available year-round as needed
- Provides a low-risk way to identify and assess potential candidates
- Used across industries, departments, and company sizes
Need help getting started on creating your micro-internship? Use these templates provided by Parker Dewey!
Seeking a larger presence on campus? Partner with us!
Texas Tech University Career Alliance
While the University Career Center serves all students in all majors, including graduate
students and alumni, occasionally there may be specific majors that suit your needs
more appropriately. Several options are listed:
- Rawls College Of Business Career Management Center
- Engineering Opportunities Center
- Center for Student Success, Outreach and Engagement, College of Media Communication
- School of Law Career Center Services
Texas Tech University Alumni
There are many ways to engage with our alumni community. From online job postings to dedicated events, we offer various opportunities to best serve your recruitment needs. Our highly-skilled professional career team offers various levels of support and advice, so recruiting top-class talent from Texas Tech University is seamless and purposeful.
Diverse Populations
The University Career Center (UCC) has developed partnerships with a broad variety of departments on campus in order to ensure the needs of all students are met. These partnerships allow the UCC to provide targeted marketing for opportunities that align with the goals and values of our students and alumni.
Examples of Partnerships Include:
- Student Disability Services
- Athletics Department
- Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research
- International Cultural Center
- Military & Veterans Program
- Costa Rica International Campus
Strengthen your employer branding - Engage!
Recruiters can partner with the University Career Center on new and existing programming, such as webinars pertaining to certain segments of the job market. This is a great way for you to get the word out about your company, the company culture, and your hiring needs.
Take advantage of this opportunity to interact virtually with our followers! Increase your engagement, impressions, and online community awareness by partnering with us. With just a few clicks, you can expand your Red Raider fan base and deliver traffic to your website. This online collaboration has proven to be one of the most creative ways to gain real-time virtual interaction with our students.
For nearly 20 years, the University Career Center has offered the Etiquette Dinner, bi-annually. Students register to attend this free event, where they are coached by an etiquette expert on the ways to approach situations that arise in a formal dining experience. It is an interactive, informative and entertaining experience that engages students in experiential learning, preparing them for the world of work.
The Mocktail Party is an interactive workshop where students are taught how to network, and then provided
an opportunity to apply those skills with employers. This event is held once per semester
and allows employers to develop connections with students as well as give feedback
to students on their networking skills.
Texas Tech University by the Numbers
This data is compiled annually by Institutional Research. More information can be found in the Texas Tech University Fact Book.
In May of 2019, Texas Tech University achieved official designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) from the U.S. Department of Education. Texas Tech University reported to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) an enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent (FTE) students that is 27.8% Hispanic students.
Current students, log in to Raider Success Hub to schedule an appointment online.
Alumni, call our front desk (806-742-2210) to schedule your appointment.
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The University Career Center encourages persons with disabilities to participate in our programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about accessibility, please call 806-742-2210 in advance of your participation or visit.
Are you starting a full-time job? Have you been accepted into graduate school? Are you still deciding? Texas Tech University wants to know your post-graduation plans! Complete the First Destination Survey today!
Ready to Recruit?
- Need a space to interview your Red Raider candidates? Use the Interview Room Request Form!
- Interested in hosting an infosession? Learn how to Host an Event in Hire Red Raiders!
- Want to register for a career fair or networking event? Check out the Employer Event Calendar!
- Interested in tabling outside the Student Union Building? Complete the Grounds Use Form and email the completed form to David Luna.
- Looking for more recruiting information? Read the TTU Recruiting Guidelines & Policies!
Additional Resources
- NACE Principles for Third-Party Recruiting
- Recruiting International Students
- Internship Recruiting Toolkit
Employer Services Team
- Allison Faudoa, Associate Director
- Ashley Penner, Associate Director
- Brittainy Klemme, Career Development Specialist
- David Luna, Business Manager/Recruiting Coordinator
UCC Contact Info
Phone: (806) 742-2210
Connect with Us!
University Career Center
Texas Tech University Career Center, Wiggins Complex - Box 45006, Lubbock, Texas 79409 -
806.742.2210 -