Research Facilities
Rheometry and Mechanical Testing
- Anton Paar Physica MCR501
- RMS 7200
- NIST-TTU Torsional Dilatometer
- AR-G2 Rheometric system
- AR-2000 Rheometric system
- Advanced Rheometric Expansion System (ARES)
- G200 nanoindenter
Other Equipment
- The Quartz Crystal Microbalance
- Setaram C80 Calvet Calorimeter
- Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
- Model PicoSPM from Molecular Imaging
- Universal SPM from Ambios Technology
- Agilent 5500 AFM
- Relative Humidity and PressureVessel Facility for Plasticizer Jump experiments
- Time Domain Dielectric Spectrometer
- Eppendrof 5804 Multipurpose Centrifuge
- Fisher Scientific Isotemperature Water Bath
Other Instruments for Sample Preparation
- Sputter Coater
- Spin Coater
- Hot Press
- Vaccum Oven
- Vapor Deposition Machine
Polymers and Condensed Matter Physics Group
P.O. Box 43121, Lubbock, TX 79409−3121 -
806.742.3553 -