Texas Tech University

Available Resources

Academic Integrity

Office of Student Conduct-806.742.1714

Investigates and adjudicates the Student Code of Conduct violations in regards to Academic Integrity matters including cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic record, and misrepresenting facts.


Academic Performance

Support Operations for Academic Retention-806.742.3664

SOAR provides services for Texas Tech students as a supplement to classroom instruction including the Learning Center, Programs for Academic Development and Retention, Supplemental Instruction, and Texas Success Initiative.


Career & Majors

University Career Center-806.742.2210

Helps students by researching majors and careers through job fairs, internship information, mock interviews, and career assessments.


*To change a major, students need to meet with the academic advisor for the major of choice. 

Classroom Disruption & Student Conduct

Office of Student Conduct-806.742.1714

Adjudicates and investigates all violations of the student code of conduct.


Death of Student

Dean of Students-806.742.2984

Provides the official notification process and additional resources related to the death of a student.


Disability/ Accommodations  Support

Student Disability Services-806.742.2405

Coordinates accommodations and resources for registered disabled students.

*Absences is not a classroom accommodation


Family Emergency/Illness/Injury

If missing more than one week of class time:

Associate Academic Dean (of student's college)
Notification of faculty regarding class absence (one week or more only).

Contact information varies based on the student’s college. OP34.04

Dean of Students-806.742.2984

Coordination and referrals to campus community and community resources. 



Student Financial Aid-806.742.3681


Red to Black-806.742.9781

Offers Peer Financial coaching and oversees the Raider Relief Fund(limited, short-term financial assistance) 


Raider Relief Fund


Student Business Services

Coordinates bill pay, e-bills, and payment plans of new and current students.



Dean of Students-806.742.2984

Coordinates response and investigation of student grievance.



Discriminatory Harassment

Office of Students Rights and Resolutions-806.742.7233

Coordinates responses, investigations, and process related to discriminatory harassment

Mental Health

Student Counseling Center-806.742.3674

Licensed mental health care providers, that provide individual, couples, and group counseling. Additionally, the Student Counseling Center provides a MindaSpa to relax during normal business hours.

Student Health Services-806.743.2848

Accredited primary care clinic, includes mental health care



TTU Crisis Hotline-806.742.5555

24 hour phone line where students are connected to licensed counselors who can provide crisis intervention and referral services. 

On-Campus Students

University Student Housing -806.789.6000

Residence Life Staff on duty to  assist residents and respond to situations in residence halls 24/7.

Parent and Family Members

Parent and Family Relations-806.742.3630

Provides information and resources that will help parents and family members stay informed about what is going on at Texas Tech.


Personal Crisis/Distress

Student Counseling Center-806.742.3674

Licensed mental health care providers, that provide individual, couples, and group counseling. Additionally, the Student Counseling Center provides a MindaSpa to relax during normal business hours.

Dean of Students-806.742.2984

Coordinates referrals to campus and community resources.




Office of Students Rights and Resolution-806.742.7233

Resources and assistance for students navigating pregnancy, childbirth and related outcomes. 


Sexual Violence & Assualt, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, & Gender Based Discrimination

Office of Students Rights and Resolution-806.742.7233

Coordinates response, investigations, and processes related to instances of sexual violence, discrimination, and harassment. http://www.depts.ttu.edu/titleix/

Title IX Coordinator: Kimberly Simon

Email: kimberly.simon@ttu.edu | Direct: 806.834.1949

TTU Crisis Hotline-806.742.5555

24 hour phone line where students are connected to licensed counselors who can provide crisis intervention and referral services.

Voice of Hope-806.763.7273

Community resource for those affected by sexual assault


Substance Abuse

Student Health Services, Raider Assistance Program-806.742.2844

The Raider Assistance Program provides comprehensive alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention, intervention, education, and referral program.



eCheck Up to Go-https://www.depts.ttu.edu/rise/AOD/echug.php

An online anonymous assessment for students about their drinking and marijuana use, with resources provided. 

Suicidal Ideation/Thoughts

Student Counseling Center/-806.742.3674

Are a licensed medical care provider which offer both individual and group counseling.


TTU Crisis Hotline-806.742.5555

24 hour phone line where students are connected to licensed counselors who can provide crisis intervention and referral services.

Threats or Acts of Violence

Texas Tech Police Department-

Emergency: 911| Non Emergency: 806.742.3931

Emergency response, full law enforcement authority, and criminal investigations



Dean of Students-806.742.2984

Coordinates the Behavioral Intervention Team and can refer to Texas Tech or community resources.


Students of Concern