Benjamin R. Poole
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ben Poole is a specialist in the history of twentieth-century Europe, global history,
food history, and popular culture. His current research explores the construction
of identities in the global age through representations and discussions of food in
contemporary popular media, focusing on France. It examines representations of “French”
foods alongside those deemed “foreign,” revealing a complex interplay of economic,
political, and social interests and power relations not only within France but in
transnational and global contexts as well. This work reminds us that what makes foods
such seemingly uncomplicated national symbols also makes them some of the most valuable,
portable, and contested as well.
Dr. Poole brings this global approach and interest in popular culture to the classroom,
with courses on modern Europe, social and cultural history, the history of food, and
the history of racism and nationalism. Throughout all his teaching, he strives to
empower students to understand history not as a series of events but as a skill of
analyzing, interpreting, and narrating the past. In his role as Graduate Teaching
Coordinator, he works with graduate students and graduate instructors to cultivate
their own approaches to history, academia, and teaching.
Select Publications
“French fast food and the myth of Americanisation,” Modern and Contemporary France 28: 2 (2020), 141-156.
“The Inventory of Tradition: French Culinary Heritage in the Global Age,” in Conversations with Food, edited by Dorothy Chansky and Sarah Tracy. Vernon Press (2020).
Department of History
Texas Tech University, Box 41013, 3001 15th Street, Humanities (formerly English/Philosophy) 165, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3744 | Fax: 806.742.1060 -