Texas Tech University

Youth Protection


The State of Texas and Texas Tech University are committed to providing a safe and educationally enriching environment for all guests and participants of camps or programs held on University property. In response to The Texas Safe Camp Act, §51.976 of the Texas Education Code  and  §265.401-404 of the Texas Administrative Code, Texas Tech University adopted Operating Policy 10.19  requiring directors of any program(s) for minors held on campus, to ensure those having contact with minors are properly trained to be aware of and prevent sexual abuse and child molestation. Texas Tech University provides in-person and virtual training options to ensure proper awareness and prevention training is readily available for all students, faculty, and staff. 

In addition to sexual abuse and child molestation prevention training, camp directors should ensure they comply with The Campus Carry Act, §411.2031 of the Texas Government Code, and Operating Policy 10.22 by requesting a campus carry exclusion zone for any area where minors will be participating in a University-sponsored program or activity and an exclusion zone does not already exist.

If you would like to schedule an in-person training or have any questions about youth programs, please contact Camille Frost, Youth Protection Officer, at camfrost@ttu.edu OR minorsoncampus@ttu.edu. Reports of illness, injury, or rule violations about a minor participating in a youth program can be made via the Youth Incident Report Form under "Resources."


§261.101 of the Texas Family Code requires anyone with knowledge of suspected child abuse or neglect to immediately report it to the appropriate authorities. This mandatory reporting applies to all individuals and is not limited to teachers or health care professionals. The law even extends to individuals whose personal communications may be otherwise privileged, such as attorneys or clergy members. Therefore, all Texas Tech University employees should be familiar with Texas law pertaining to reporting suspected child abuse or neglect.

All persons are required to make the report immediately, and individuals who are licensed or certified by the state or who work for an agency or facility licensed or certified by the state and have contact with children as a result of their normal duties (e.g., teachers, nurses, doctors, day-care employees) must report the abuse or neglect within 48 hours.

"Abuse" and "neglect" are broadly defined to mean that every action in which a child's physical health, mental health, and/or welfare has been or may be adversely affected is potentially covered. The statute explicitly excludes an accident or reasonable discipline by a parent or guardian that does not expose the child to a substantial risk of harm. However, if there is a question whether conduct constitutes abuse or neglect, always err on the side of the child's safety and report the incident.

The failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect is a crime. A person acting in good faith who reports or assists in the investigation of a report of child abuse or neglect is immune from civil or criminal liability. Merely reporting the incident to your supervisor or manager is insufficient.

If you suspect child abuse or neglect has taken place on the TTU campus or at any TTU function, immediately make a report to the Texas Tech Police Department at 806-742-3931. If there is an immediate threat, call 911.

Institutional Compliance